Love Bug (A)

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I want to ask Avni to be my girlfriend.

I do, but I don't know how to go about it.

I am meeting her today near the park close to her school which is now our meeting spot.

We meet 2-3 times a week.

Sometimes four times if we don't have much school work to do.

It has been a month since the first time we met face to face, in person and these four weeks have been completely blissful to me.

Avni and I have become so much close to each other.

We spend any free time we get with each other. Sometimes we even meet just to study together.

Most of the times though, I end up not reading much because I spend most of my time sneaking looks at her, trying to not get caught by her.

I can't really help myself, she is just so beautiful that I can't really explain it even to myself.

She is pure perfection.

I remember the first time I saw her when she was coming towards me in front of the park.

I recognized her at the first glance. I didn't need anyone telling me that she was my Avni, I just knew.

There she was, dressed pretty casually in her jeans and t-shirt with not much make up or anything.

I did not even wait for her to come to the front of the park, or call her phone just to confirm if she really is the one, I just knew it.

I walked up to her and introduced myself.

I remember her being surprised at how I just recognized her just like that.

I could also remember getting awestruck when I saw her in a much closer proximity.

She was just beautiful. Flawless even.

If I wasn't sure before coming to that place that I need her in my life, I became sure about it at that moment. I just had to have her in my life, I decided.

I have never believed in love at first sight. I always say that it is just rubbish talks.

My own personal believe is that you can like someone at first, lust on them at first sight, get infatuated even, but you can't just decide that you love someone the very first time you are seeing them, it is just bullshit.

I believe you have to know someone, actually know them before you decide that you love them.

I don't know what happened to me that day at the park, but something did happen.

Avni and I spoke after she got passed how easily I recognized her to which I told her;

Neil - I have painted you in my eyes. This is how I always envision you when we talk or when I think about you. It just goes to show you how much I really know you.

I told her while giving her a pretty intense look. Looking deeply into her eyes.

She was taken aback for a moment, then she blushed and used her hand to push her hairs behind her ears which I come to recognize that she does when she is nervous or intimidated or not comfortable, while averting her gaze from mine.

She is shy and also quite. She doesn't talk much, but she is a confident and strong person I came to realize.

I was awestruck when she started taking her ice-cream in an effort to not look at me.

I became speechless looking at how pretty she looked with the red tinge on her face.

She was extremely cute and adorable.

Seeing as she was getting uncomfortable, I decided to say something so that she would stop feeling so self-conscious.

I remember saying;

Neil - let's play a game.

She was surprised with what I said, it wasn't something she was expecting.

She was frowning her face a little, a 'v' formed in between her two brows. She looked very adorable to me.

Avni - a game?

Neil - yes. To pass time and get to know each other better.

Avni - okay. What game do you want to play?

Neil - 20 questions.

I answered simply.

Avni - 20 questions?

Neil - yeah. You know, it's a type of game where I can ask you 20 questions and you answer in 'yes' 'no' and 'maybe' only.

Avni - I know what 20 questions game is and how it is played. What I meant was, why do you want to play that game with me?

Neil - why would I not want to play that game with you?

I asked her.

Avni - I mean, you already knowa a lot about me. What else do you want to know about me?

Neil - I might know a lot about you but I don't think I know you enough. I want to know you better.

Avni - but why?

Neil - what do you mean by why?

I was seriously intrigued with what she was saying, even though I don't really understand what she was saying then.

Avni - nothing. Let's play.

I understood then that she was not telling me everything, but I decided to not pry. I planned at that moment to know whatever it is that was bothering her, not just then. I wanted to give her space and also give her time to get to know me better, maybe she would trust me then.

To be continued.....


hello guys, here is another update. i hope you like it.

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