Heartbreaks, Misery and Reflection

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You know how people say that men are strong and they don't get emotional easily or feel pain? Well they are wrong because I am prove that a guy can be broken.

Never thought this would ever happen in my life, I am still getting over the shock of it has been 3 weeks since it happened.

Seriously whoever said that women are the only ones who cry after they get their heart broken, do not know what the hell they are talking about. Men to get greatly affected when their heart has been broken and mine has not just been broken, it has been tramped and trashed open.

I have been feeling like I am constantly soaked in ice water. I feel like a soaked noodle.

When Avni arrived at my apartment 3 week ago, I was nervous of how I was going to propose to her and if she is going to accept my proposal. As the night went on, I started becoming confident seeing how we were interacting with each other. I was pretty sure she won't reject me.

I was so excited with the idea of Avni been my girlfriend that I just said it to her during the movie watching.

With me being confident that she would surely accept my proposal, imagine my surprise and shock when Avni just upped and left my house in the middle of the night after staying quite for a complete 5 minutes.

I was shocked, I was confused as to what was happening. I followed her out and asked her why was she living, she turned to me with so much anger in her face and said;

Avni - leave me alone.

Neil - why Avni? What happened?

As I was truly confused with her reaction to my proposal.

Avni - what happened? You are asking me what happened. It was my mistake in the first place. I thought you were decent, I thought you as my friend but you are just like everyone else, you only wanted one thing from me even from the beginning that's why you became my friend. Is should have never trusted you.

She all but shouted to my face. Tears have started rolling down on her face.

Neil - why are you saying all these Avni? When did I pretended to be something else and if it is about what I said to you inside then it's true, I love you Avni, please w......

Avni interrupted me with something that broke me into pieces.

Avni - but I hate you. I never want to see you in my life ever again.

With that she turned and left and I didn't even try to stop her at then.

Hearing someone you love and have just poured out your deepest feelings for them tell you they hate you is one of the most painful thing a person can experience in life. I stood there looking into space for a long while before I went back into my flat.

I sat down on my sofa and started reflecting everything about our relationship from the starting to just before she left.

I hate you, I repeated in my head several times. The more I thought about it the more hurt I became.

To be very honest, apart from the breaking heart thing, she also bruised my ego. It was making me feel defeated and lost. I was not something I thought would happen.

I have never been in a relationship before, never gave it a thought. I grew up with parents that love each other a lot and always thought that I would find love when the time is right. I was guarded about my feeling and now I feel I should have been secretive about my feelings too. The first girl I was ever open about my feelings (and definitely the last too) is the one that walked over my feelings.

I take a long time to get attached to anyone emotionally. When I fell for Avni I never bargained for this pain that I am and have been feeling for the last 3 weeks.

In these 3 weeks I have gone from been shocked about the whole incident to looking for distraction my hanging out with my friends too much. I started crying and keep on telling myself that I was okay and I would get over her. I started exhausting myself with too much sports and school work so that I don't have time to think about her. I stalked her social media pages to get an idea what she is up to but didn't get much from that.

I reflected on everything and looked through our pictures on my phone. I felt so much depressed, I looked for her in everyone and everything. I love wholeheartedly and I was broken wholeheartedly.

This morning I woke up and reflected everything again in my head and realized that that Avni was not my Avni, there was something in her eyes. I have decided to go and meet Avni, she has to tell why? She has to give me a reason why she said all men are the same. Also I am not someone to accept defeat just like that.

I love Avni and I refuse to let her go without a fight or knowing why?


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