Love Bug(B)

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The next 40 - 60 minutes went with I asking her different sort of random question.

Some question were just for fun, while some I really wanted to hear what she would say about it.

I asked her who her first crush was and I was very surprised when she told me she had never had a crush on anyone before.

It was very shocking for me because everyone is bound to have crushed on someone at one time right?

I even showed her my surprise on it to which she told me that she didn't have time for it that's why.

I couldn't understand how you don't have time to crush on someone even if it was for a day but decided to not push it seeing as we are just meeting for the first time, talking on the phone doesn't really count and I wouldn't want to make her uncomfortable, so I just moved to another question. I asked;

Would you rather have endless love or endless money?

Her answer was instant. She said;

Avni - I would rather have a completely normal family full of love.
I wanted to ask her a question about that too but decided maybe another time because she had this far off look to her.

Avni - what about you?

She suddenly asked me taking me by surprise.

Neil - same.

Avni - same?

She asked not getting what I meant.

Neil - I meant same as you. I would rather want a family full of love.

She then smiled at me hearing that. I was lost for a second in her smile before getting a hold to myself and my feelings.

I continued asking her different questions and sometime she asked me back.

I asked her;

Have you ever been in a car accident and if yes then when?

What is your favorite food? Which I already know the answer to, Poha. She once mentioned it during one of our phone sessions.

If your life would be made into a movie, what movie would you want your life to be like? She said Hum Saath Saath Hain.

Have you ever stolen something in your life, if yes what was it and when?

Would you rather have a platonic relationship or have a full pledged serious romantic relationship?

None, her answer came.

I was taken aback with that answer too and when I asked her why, she said she doesn't want to talk or even think about it.

When the happiest moment in your life was or what makes you the happiest?

Holi, Diwali, Christmas, choose your favorite.
She chose Diwali.

What is your zodiac sign?
Scorpio, she answered.
"nice, so you have a great passion for something in you."
"not really"
"really? I don't believe you" I countered.
"is that one of your questions?"
"so, what's your next question?"

Seeing as I was not going to get what I wanted, I moved on with my questions.

Do you believe in horoscopes?
I don't, was her answer.
I wanted to ask her why, but decided to just move on.

Would you rather someone always tell the truth or protect your feelings?
Truth always. I rather have my heart broken than live in an illusion.

"that's true Avni, but I would like that truth to sometimes be shared with me diplomatically, especially if it's about
What type of music are you into?

If you had to be trapped on a desert island with one person, who would you choose it to be?

Would you rather text or email people?

Beyoncé or Rihanna?

Have you kept a secret from your mother and what is the secret?

She said she would tell me the answer to that question another time.

She answered almost all the questions and with her throwing back some of the questions back at me, I also answered most of the questions for her.

It was fun, deep and pleasant, we got to know each other a lot much better.

That question session kind of became our thing, a ritual for us. Every time we meet we ask each other at least a question. It has greatly helped us in knowing each other better and also it made it easier for us to open up on some things mostly Avni since she is the introverted one between the two of us.

I can proudly say that now I know Avni almost in and out and I can understand why some of her answers were like how she did.

Neil kind of understands that here is a problem with her family, she hasn't shared it with him but with the amount of time they spend with each other it was very easy for him to pick up on some things. Like how she only talks about her mother whose name is Neela, how she has a brother but he has never seen her talking with him on the phone and also how she her name is Avni Ayesha. Is her mother's name is Neela, who is Ayesha? Nut Neil decided to not pry and let her open up to him at her own time.

Today, Avni was supposed to come to Neil's apartment. She was supposed to stay in the bedroom while Neil will stay at the hall on the couch. They are to have a movie night and Neil suggested that she stay over because by the time they would have been done, the time would have been very late.

It was not a very strong reason to keep Avni in his flat, but it served its purpose, Avni agreed and Neil thought it was more to the fact that she has started to trust him.

Neil has his question ready to ask Avni this time, he wouldn't even need time to think about it after he meets her. The question has been etched in his head since a week ago. It is a pretty simple question;

Would you be my girlfriend Avni?

He has after a lot of debate with himself finally gotten the courage to ask her that.

'Knock knock'

A sound came from his door.

'It seems Avni has arrived' Neil thought.

He took a deep breath before proceeding to his door. He just hopes everything goes smoothly.

He can't wait to ask her the question and he hopes he gets the response he desires from her.


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