Conflicting Emotions

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You know there are times where you just start doing something's that you think it's just for fun and then you get addicted to doing it and no matter how hard you tried to stop yourself, you just can't seem to get yourself to stop.

There also is this saying by Criss Jami saying;

"An over indulgence of anything, even something as pure as water, can intoxicate".

Suddenly for the first time in Avni's life, she could feel and understand what the quote really meant.

It has been almost 2 months, 7 weeks to be exact, since Neil called her and apologized to her for calling her an idiot albeit 'unknowingly' as he often says.

In these 7 weeks, there has not been a day that passes without a Neil and Avni phone conversation.

They talk every day, some days more than once or twice.

3 months ago if someone had told Avni that she would make a very tight friend on the phone whom she can't sleep without talking to, she would have called the people with white uniform to take that person to the mental asylum because it was just so not her. It's something she has never seen herself doing. She can't even imagine it.

She is a very closed off person. She personally doesn't think she is an introvert, but just someone that doesn't like people much most of the times. Ambivert is what she likes to call herself. She likes people, most of the time, She just finds it very hard to interact and  at times, connect with people, even girls at times, so the possibility of her making a friend, a guy friend from a wrong dialed call was a far cry.

Neil, in these 7 weeks have made a place for himself in her heart.

She wasn't even aware of that there is a space that isn't occupied with all the hatred she has inside her for Dayanvanti Mehta.

When and how Neil a place for himself in her heart she doesn't know, but it is an undeniable fact that Neil is now an integral part of her life.

Talking to Neil has become a habit of hers.

Not really a habit maybe, more than that. It is somehow like a worship for her.

It gives her peace.

He makes her happy, just by talking to him on the phone.

Without even trying from his own part.

Even her mother Neela has noticed that she, Avni sounds to be much happier on the phone.

She, her mother that is, had asked her what the reason of her new found happiness and cheerfulness is, but Avni stayed mum, which is so unlike her.

She normally tells her mother everything, every detail that is happening in her life, so it was very strange even to herself that she is hiding about Neil to her mother.

Sometimes she asks herself why is she not saying anything to her mother, but she always comes out short of answer.
It just seems that she is not ready or doesn't want to share that part of her life to anyone even if it is her mother, just yet.

She somehow feels very possessive about everything Neil. She doesn't want anyone to know about him just yet.

She wants to enjoy it alone for now.

She is enjoying a new relationship, different from ones she had had before in her life.

She can't really define whatever their relationship is, she has for sure given it the name friendship, but sometimes when she sits down and think she kept on questioning their relationship.
It surely isn't friendship, but whatever it is, she still doesn't know. And honestly, she doesn't really even want to know.

It's just a very beautiful feeling in her heart. Peaceful and beautiful.

Whatever it is she will give it time to grow more beautiful and she hopes time will clear out her dilemma for her.

During their chat last night Neil sent her a message that left her in very deep thoughts.

Neil is asking her to meet him on Saturday which is in 3 days and she has still not decided to meet him or not.

She was shocked still when she read that chat. He really took her by surprise.

Avni is not trying to fool herself or anyone, but she never thought that he would be interested in meeting her person to person. It never even crossed her mind until he made mention of it.

And it's also not that she doesn't want to meet Neil in person, she does, but she is just unsure.

Some parts of her very curious and restless to meet Neil.

She wants to know how he looks like, how he talks, how he smiles.

She just wants to know the real person behind the phone and everything.

But there is another part of her that is scared of what she would see.

She keeps on thinking if it a good idea or not.
She feels she already know him she doesn't have to really see him to know him. Whatever they have now, on the phone is beautiful, like a dream. Then why destroy it with reality?

She keeps on thinking if Neil really wants to meet her or not.
She is so broken. would he appreciate and accept her as she is or if he would regret ever asking her to meet?

She keeps on thinking that everything is too good to be true and it will be just better if it stayed on the phone.

She has a goal in her life, a purpose. Something she can never avoid or forget about. She wouldn't want to start something she can't finish which will make her regret in the future when she thinks back at it. She wouldn't want to distract herself from her goals. She wouldn't want to give herself hope of something that can never be.

After a lot of thinking and pondering, she finally sent a message to Neil saying just four words.

'MAHM park entrance, 4:00pm'.

After receiving a notification on her phone that had shown her the message has been delivered , Avni sighed, hoping in her heart that she isn't making a mistake and that she did the right thing.

Whatever it is the deal has been done, she can't back out now. The message has been sent. Now she just have to wait for Saturday and hope that everything turns out alright. .

Now is time to really face the music.


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