A Day Unforeseen: Struck

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Avni – make love to me. I want to feel the love you say you have for me. I want to feel loved.


People are different and the way each person reacts to a certain situation is different.

Let's take how people react to being struck by lightning for example, when you ask different people or research about the different reaction to people who have been struck with lightening, you will get a different account of it from each person but the most common guess among people is that your hair sticks straight up and you begin to feel the chills down your spinal cord among other things.

I know it is a weird comparison but the moment I heard those words come out from Avni mouth, I felt as if I have been struck by lightning, it felt as if I have been hit by a bulldozer, it was like I had been hit really hard by a very hard object, I started to feel lightheaded, it was like I have been flying on a drunken hippogriff [HP reference] which is definitely a weird reaction to have just after the love of your life asks you to make love to her.

I was so shocked by what she said that I think I went completely offline for some moment and I think I would have been out of it for a bit longer period had Avni cries not bring me out of my reverie.

I looked to where Avni was sitting on the bed in front of me and found her crying more than she was earlier which shocked me as I can't seem to deeper why she is crying more now.

Shifting more closely to her a bit, I tried to hold her shoulders for some contact before I tried talking to her but she shrugged off my hands off of her body and I was even more shocked by that action if hers

I really couldn't understand what was going on so I moved closer to her and ask and tried asking her I said
Neil- Avni, What is wrong? What is happening why are you crying but she just ignored me and continue on crying?
when I kept on pestering her with questions on why she was crying, she finally answered me with
Avni - I don't even know why I asked in the first place but now I know for sure you don't love me and you will never ever love me. All the time you have been saying you love me, I knew that I can never been true, I knew that you just think that you are in love with me.
All my life it has always been proved that all what Dayawanti Mehta has said about me is true. She said that I can never be loved by anybody that has just been proved right now by you. I know you don't love me that is why you are refusing to make love with me. I know that I can never be loved I just wanted......
I just.........
Dayawanti Mehta has always been right about me.
She always has been..... So right about everything, I can never be loved by anyone.
I am all alone, I have no one.....

I am just a curse, I can never be loved...

She continued blabbering some nonsense that I couldn't care less to understand what you're saying I don't know what came over me I don't know man I was so angry I'm so disappointed with what she was saying I just grabbed her and kissed her.
My actions were completely unexpected by her and she was quite surprised with my sudden kiss attack after a moment or two she started kissing me back I don't know how long we kissed but I know that we definitely kiss for a long time it was frost passionate hot loving angry and many different things at the same time I was trying to convey my love, my anger, my disappointment about all what she just said about herself right through the kiss.
I broke the kiss after a long while and held her face with both of my hands I said look at me she didn't at first but when I repeated it again so how she did look me in the eye when I am I sure she was listening to what I was going to say and she was looking at me I told her I seriously with no joke and my voice and no expression on my face I told her I will never ever see all those things you said about yourself or you are you are not a cause and you can be loved and I am a proof of that statement I love you I love you I love you so much you are my life like I wake up to see you smile and I close my eyes with your smile and my eyes I live to make you happy I can't live without you and I'm sure I'm not the only one at least by that sent to me I'm very sure your mother and your friend and mentor the people to love you just have to look around you and you'll have to accept that you are loved but a lot of people you are loved by me and your mother and your brother to love you as soon as he learns about you I don't want you to ever say that about yourself again u hear me? I asked her what you seems like she is still hard and I'll revert sisters but I don't know what came over me I just grabbed her again and kissed her hard and passionately, I think I am trying to show her that I do love her.


With Kisses, as soft and light as satin.

Touches, soft and lingering.

Hot passions, desperate desires.

It was steamy and it was spicy.

It was intensive and tender.

Sensual and exiting.

Connected in the most intimate way, both mentally and physically.

It was a long battle of slow and passionate grinding, caressing and embracing.

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