Him and Her

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The next morning, Neil woke up feeling refreshed, he has forgotten everything that has happened the previous night because quite frankly how many people think about the wrong number calls they received? He went about his day as he normally does when in school, he attended his classes, hung out with his friends to catch up on what has happened during the holidays, just doing his things.

It was around 4 in the evening, Neil has returned to his room, has already taken his shower and was just lying on his bed to try and rest a little, that's when he decided to check out his phone because he remembered that he had received some messages earlier in the morning but he decided to check them out later.

Neil is a type of person that when you want to talk to him, you call him not send him a text message. He is not the texting type, so whenever he receives messages, he allows them to pile up and then check them out later, he replies some, the ones he feels are important, which are few and ignore most. That is what he always does.

After replaying and ignoring most of the messages, he finally reached the last unread text message and saw that it was from an unknown number. Curious about who would send him message from an unknown number, he opened the test and saw;

'I don't really appreciate being called an idiot.
Just thought to let you know😡'

The first reaction Neil had to the text was surprise, then he became confused as he couldn't really understand what the sender was talking about, because he seriously can't remember who he called an idiot for him to receive such a text message and then he became annoyed, because seriously, he is starting to think this was just some prank from someone or just someone who is trying to annoy him. After thinking for several minutes if he should reply to the text message or not, also the more he thought about it the more annoyed he became about the message. He finally decided to check and see who sent him the message.

So he sent a very short and rude message to the sender and waited to see if he would receive a reply from the person soon. The text said;

'And who are you?'

It was very short and direct. Directly to the point. He did not care if he seemed rude. It's not like he's never been associated with that particular characteristic.

After about 30 minutes of waiting and not receiving any reply, Neil decided that it must have been a prank from some idiot out there to annoy him. With that thought in his mind, he decide to sleep and forget about everything .

As soon as Neil close his eyes to start seeing he heard a sound from his phone alerting him of receiving a new text message. At first he thought to ignore it, but then he remembered that it could be a reply to his earlier question. Raising from his laying position, he shifted himself to a sitting position, collected the phone from where he kept it earlier and started to check the message to see what it was written there. It read;

'How many people did you go about calling idiots yesterday?'

Reading the reply he got, Neil even got more annoyed as he can't remember calling anyone an idiot yesterday. He quickly typed back;


This time the reply he got was instant too. The sender sent;

'Are you sure about that?'

Feeling quite annoyed at whoever is accusing him of doing something he surely didn't do, and at himself for even replying to the first text, he sent back;

'Hundred percent sure'

And he got the reply;

'Well then, think again'

After reading the last message, Neil decide to not reply to the person any longer because to him it is very clear that it's just someone out to spoil his day with a stupid prank. He kept his phone on his side drawer and laid back down on his bed and slept.



Avni had had a rough first day today at school, locating places itself was a task on its own, she is feeling very relieved to be done today all she wants now is eat, shower and sleep in that same other.

After locating an eatery just close to where she lives, she decided to drop there and get something. Entering the eatery, she went to the counter and ordered for some chips and juice for herself with a burger because she was feeling so hungry she feels she can finish anything put in front of her at the moment. She took a sit and while she was waiting for her food to arrive, she decide to check out her phone to see if she has any missed call from her mother or a message.

Earlier this morning, she was finally able to contact her mother, it seem that instead of putting the UK code while dialing her mother's number yesterday, she mistakenly put in the US code, that was how her call went to that rude idiot yesterday.

She did have a missed call from her mother, who she immediately called back and spoke to. After talking to her mother, she noticed that she had a new message and she was surprised that I was from the guy from yesterday. Checking the message she saw;

'And who are you?'

The message was short and Avni was surprised that a guy can be so rude. The message was something she could expect from him, in the very short conversation she had with him last night. Avni is not a person that allows things to just go pass by her like that, so she sent him a sarcastic message saying;

'How many people did you go about calling idiots yesterday?'


Came the short reply immediately.

'Are you sure about that?'

She sent back to him because it seems to her he can't even remember what he did last night.

'Hundred percent sure'

Hmm, someone is so sure of himself' she thought before sending back;

'Well then, think again'

She waited a few minutes and when she did not receive any reply, she thought that maybe he was indeed thinking, so she sent him a new message and then dropped the phone back in her bag as her food had just arrived.

'I would start with last night if I where you'

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hey guys, here is the edited update. i hope you like it. please don't forget to leave your reviews in the comment section and votes too.

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