Déjà Vu

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When he woke up later in the evening from his nap, the first thing he did was check if there was a new message for him from the caller girl as he had also dubbed her in his head. He wasn't even sure why he thought she would send him a message because the last message she sent him telling him to 'think again' was kind of like an end to the discussion. He was very pleasantly surprised when he saw that he had a new text from her. The text read

'I would start with last night if I were you'

Last night? The thought.

"when did I call her an idiot last night?" he wondered out loud and tried to make himself remember but he just simply couldn't, so he just gave up and decided to just not think about it and forget about the girl.

Neil went about with his life as he normally does.

Two days have passed and he has forgotten about his anonymous accuser.

Today too like almost every day, he came back to his room feeling very tired and drained because after their last lectures, he and his friends went out to play some football and after that they immediately hit the club, after taking a shower at his friends place. Due to this reason he was very much drained and when Neil Khanna is drained and tired, he is very cranky.

The moment he entered his room, he went straight at his bed without even changing or removing his socks after he kicked his shoes at the door.

Just when he started sleeping, his phone started to ring.

On the first ring, Neil ignored the call and went back to sleep after the ringing had stopped.

Just when he was about to start sleeping again, the phone rang again.

Feeling very irritated with the constant ringing of his phone, Neil brought it out from his pocket and switched it off.

Neil - idiots.

He said while throwing the phone in a corner on the bed and quickly went back to sleep.

This time around too he didn't get to go deep in his sleep, but it was not because his phone was or is ringing.

It is because just as he closed his eyes to go back to sleep, he started feeling a sense of DeJaVu. Everything seems to be similar to something that happened before to him.

A moment or two later saw Neil springing from his laid down position to a siting one saying;

Neil - oh shit!

He can now remember everything.

Neil - oh so that is what that girl is talking about. But then I dint even know that she heard.

Neil beta, she must have forgotten about everything, you too just forget it and go on with your life.

Thinking this he tried to go back to sleep, but he couldn't.

He sat up again and thought;

'Should I apologize to her?'

'Why should I apologize, it was an unconscious slip of tongue, something out of habit'

'But then Neil, even if it was not intentional, you did insult her and call her an idiot'

'Well she was the one that called me in the middle of the night'

'It was a wrong number Neil, you can also dial a wrong number. It wasn't intentional'

'Well, it wasn't intentional too when I called her an idiot'

'Neil just apologize to her, I think she was expecting one when she sent you that message'

'She might have forgotten about everything by now'

'Just call her up, if she has forgotten then well and fine. You won't become smaller if you apologize to her. It's not like it's going to be stamped on your face.'

'Well I guess, I will apologize'.

With that last thought, Neil took his phone from where he dumped it earlier, switched it on, go to his message icon, tapped on it and browsed through his messages until he reached the one he was looking, and dialed the number. After that, he inpatiently waited for her to answer the call, some part of him hoping she was not asleep yet and some hoping she was.


The time is 3:40am.

Everyone is asleep.

The only ones that are awake at that time are the ones that have something doing or just because.

Avni is one of those that are wide awake and she fell under the category of just because.

The sleep was just not coming to her. She tried doing everything.

She read her school notes, she did all her assignments, she watched a movie, caught up on her serial, but still sleep didn't come.

She finally decided to chat with her friends on WhatsApp.

Just as she carried her phone and is about to unlock the password, her phone started ringing.

It is an unknown number, but it is that unknown number that she can recognize very easily as it is very similar to her mother's phone number.

'What does he want from me now?'

'Should I pick the call or not?'

She thought.

After contemplating for a moment or two, she decided to go on and pick up the call. Just to hear what he wants from her now.

'It's not like I have something better to do'

She thought as she swiped the answer icon dancing on her phone screen.

Avni - hello?

Neil - hi, Neil here.

Oh so that is the name of that rude guy' she thought before saying;

Avni - Neil who?

Neil - Neil the guy who called you an idiot.


Lots of love.

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