A day Unforeseen: Red

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Red for passion

Red for love

Red for blood

And Red for marriage.

Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.

Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate,and raises blood pressure.

Red is also often used to evoke erotic feelings.

Color Wheel Pro: Color Meaning http://www.color-wheel-pro.com/color-meaning.html -- shared by UC Mini)


Breaking the kiss, I looked into her eyes there was an unreadable gleam inside them, there was a spark that I had never seen before.

She has an unreadable expression on her face and feeling in her eyes as she just looked at me.

The moment our eyes met magic was created, it was like everything changed and I myself couldn't understand what really was going on.

I smiled at her and started caressing her hands a bit.

I thought she would look away from seeing the hot passion I was displaying in my eyes as she had always been shy about intimacy and such things, but she didn't take her eyes off of me.

she was looking at me in the eye and I refused to look somewhere else too or even blink my eyes lest everything just disappears.

I really still don't know what happened to me at that time, I knew I shouldn't seeing as despite she being the one that asked for it, but she clearly isn't really in the right state of mind, but I just couldn't bring myself to stop, my male hormones had taken over my brain, so i was not thinking rationally.

All I knew at that time was I wanted her, i had to have her and I don't even care about the how to come off it or what it will mean for us at the end off the day where we are both back to thinking rationally.

My heart was burning and my eyes full of desire and fire, I caressed every part of her and the sounds she made give me deep satisfaction knowing that I was the reason she was making those sounds.

I kissed her again with such vigor and passion I never knew I had in me as i continue touching her sensually.

With bodies melting together like melted candles and eyes full of passion and love and many other emotions that I can't even describe in words.

"She is beautiful"
that's only thing I could process in my brain when I saw all of her there on the bed with her long beautiful silky black as night hair spread on the bed, looking like a goddess.

she was lying on the bed like a beautiful cloudless starry night painted picture.

she is as beautiful as a poetry.

She looked so beautiful and so vulnerable and innocent that I can't believe she is about to be all mine, mind,body and soul.

I love her so much that I feel my heart can burst out any moment with the amount of love I have for her.

I locked eyes with her again and I am very sure i was looking at her like a devoted just about to worship her.

As i came over her,covering her body with mine, i still kept my eyes on her and she too didn't look away even for a moment. It was like she was entranced completely.
As i slide into her warmth, two bodies, joining in the most intimate manner ever possible, I felt some kind of deep joy inside of me.

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