A Day Unforeseen: Surprises

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I have seen Avni going through many phases and many emotions.

I have seen her happy, I have seen her sad.

I have seen her crying and I have seen her laughing.

I have seen her exited and alive and I have also seen her broken and helpless.

In all the moods and emotions that I have seen Avni going through, the sight of her right now is something I don't think I have ever seen or experience.

There sitting in the shower tray of her toilet, was Avni. She was crying so heavily and painful that I heard the sound of something breaking inside me at that moment. The sound of my heart breaking for her.

She looked so tiny, so broken and so helpless at that moment. All I wanted to do was gather her in my arms and protect her from all the world pains and dangers.

Rushing to where she was, I quickly helped her out of the bathroom and thankfully she came without much resistance.

I sat her down on the bed and gave her some clothes from her wardrobe to change and went outside to get something hot for her. I only managed to get some coffee for her because I couldn't stand being away from her for a long time.

When I got back to the room, I saw that she has managed to get herself out of her wet clothes but she didn't do exactly as I wanted her to. She just took off her clothes and wrapped herself in her towel.

I hesitated a little by the door because, let's face it, I am a guy and this is a girl I am hopelessly in love with sitting in front of me in nothing but a towel. I am not a pervert or anything, but I can't say I have never thought about doing many sinful things to that hit body of hers.

I gave myself a mental shaking and tried to make myself focus on the fact that Avni is heartbroken over some reason and not that she is sitting in just her towel.

With the mug of hot coffee in my hand, I moved to where she was sitting at the edge of her bed, and sat down beside her. I passed the mug to her but she shook her head indicating that she doesn't want it. I tried to force her to collect it but she didn't, so I just gave up and kept it on a stool that is kept nearby.

I shifty closer to her, trying to talking to her to comfort her but it seems like Avni had something else in her mind because as soon as I came closer to her, he hugged me. Hugged me like really tight.

I was taken aback for some moments because in all the duration of our relationship, Avni has never really initiated anything with me, it's always me that takes the first steps into doing everything, from holding hands, to hugging to some pecks and kisses and I really didn't mind it because I knew that she had some reservations with intimacy, so I never pushed her or made her feel obligated.

Immediately after she hugged me, Avni started crying she was crying really hard and I was trying my best to make her stop and also to get her to tell me what was wrong.

If I was surprised with the hug, I was shocked with what she did next. She just kissed me, like really kiss me, on the lips with tongues and everything.

I froze in my position for a minute before I realized what was happening was really real and I wasn't imagining it. I knew Avni was in a vulnerable position, so she might not really know what she is doing but I still kissed her back with as equal passion and desperation as she was kissing me.

We were kissing for a long or short while, I don't really know because who's counting? When Avni broke the kiss and held my face in her palms and she said;

Avni – please make me forget Neil. I want to forget everything.

I was clueless as to what she was talking about and it showed in my question when I asked her;

"What do I make you forget Avni? What is going on? Please tell me"

I begged her with desperation but she still didn't give me the answer that I wanted, she just continued begging me and pleading with me to make her forget and when I got tired of seeing her so broken and begging, I asked her;

"How do I make you forget?"

And she answered with the words that are still running in my head even now. She said

Avni – make love to me. I want to feel the love you say you have for me. I want to feel loved.


Okay, hello guys. Here I am with another update. I really hope you like it given our present situation.

Please if you do, vote and leave a comment down below, it will really be appreciated.

I would know that I didn't skip reading for my exams to type and update this for you just for nothing

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