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Neil brought in some sort of freshness and excitement in my life the moment he stepped into it.

I would never say this aloud for anyone to hear it but my life needed that excitement maybe that is the reason I latched onto it at the first chance I got.

I was lonely, I was scared, I was unsure of anything in my life.

I had only one goal in my life, the ne I had since I was 10, to destroy Dayavanti Mehta after I am done with school and get my brother back from her.

I was so focused in my life that I can't even remember the last time I smiled to myself and felt truly happy.

I only seemed to smile when I am around my mother, my Neela maa. She always knows how to make me happy and feel better about everything else.

I was living but I was not truly alive then.

I know sometimes I worry my mother and she is scared and always worried with what I am doing with my life. She thinks a lead a too secluded life and she was right. I tend to exclude myself from a lot of things that I don't think are important.

I know I was threading down a path the leads to only emptiness but I have always been okay with it as long as I will have my brother in it.

That was when Neil barged into my life.

Neil came into my life uninvited, he came with a gust of freshness, an air of innocence and honestly.

He truly made me realize what life is and I didn't even know that I was not really living before him.

He bought in a lot of things that I never thought I would experience in my life.

He made me alive.

With Neil I found that with time passing, I could relax and talk to him. I have also always been in a happier mood when he is around me. He was like my safe escape of reality for a little while.

It was like I was drowning in a sea of hatred and deceits and pain and loneliness and he saved me from it all.

I started to trust him.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I always think about the future of the friendship or whatever it is between Neil and I and also what Neil's perfective about it is but I always tell myself that Neil doesn't like me or think of me like that. He takes me only as his friend.

One day after some few weeks into our friendship, I sat down to analyze our relationship after something my mother said to me one the phone when she called me. She said;

Neela - bachcha, you sound so different and happy these days, tell me what's up. Did you go and get yourself a boyfriend without telling your mother?

I was speechless for a moment as I was caught off with what she said.

Avni - maa, what are you saying? There is nothing like that.

I told her after I regained my composure. I didn't give it a thought then until later.

When I thought about it, my mind started threading onto a zone I would rather not go so I just stopped thinking about it that is until last 3 weeks.

Last week Neil propose to me. He told me that he loves me and wants to spend his life with me.

I had a smile on my face before he started talking, I was amused with what could make him so nervous to open his mouth in front of me, but as soon as he started talking, the smile from my face started fading.

With each word he says, the smile on my face kept on fading.

Some of the words he said to me still echoes in my ear. I can still hear him saying;

Neil - Avni, I don't know how to say this to you but I will just say it to you anyway. I don't know how it started, I don't know when it started. Maybe it was the first time I really heard your voice or the first time I laid my eyes on you and maybe it is somewhere in between or after, I don't really know but one thing I know for sure is that I think I have fallen for you.

He took a deep breath and continued

Neil - I don't think, I know for sure that I have fallen deeply, madly and completely for you. I love you Avni. You have completely bewitched me, I can't do anything these days without having you in my head. I am always thinking about you, now I can't think of anything else. I know we don't really know each other for a very long time, and you might think this is very sudden but Avni this is the truth. I love you.

After meeting you my life has become better and my days are brighter. You make me a better person.

I always want to be with you every hour of everyday.

I love you with no beginning and also with no end.

I love you so much and I would love to be in your life as your boyfriend.

Will you allow me to be it for you?

He said all those things with so much passion and compassion in his eyes but at that time I was not really paying any attention to them because I was just having flashback of all the times my father Ashish Mehta has said I love you to my Ayesha maa and also of the time he shoes his mother over us.

I just felt the room getting smaller and hotter for me. I started to feel suffocated, I just wanted to leave that place. I felt I needed to leave the apartment before I do or say something that I might regret so I just stood up picked my bag and started to live but Neil had to stop me and question me.

All those words that I spewed onto Neil outside his apartment were not really meant but I just couldn't help myself.

I don't hate Neil, I really don't. He is the first friend I had in my life after over 8years. The last time I had a friend was when I was 10, Ali and now I am 18.

I can never hate Neil even if I tried. I was angry and I said things I didn't really mean.

I cried myself to sleep for so many days after, sometime I really hate myself for saying those things to him but I couldn't help it, his words and me angry and people say a lot of things they don't mean when they are angry.

It has been more than 3 week and he has not contacted me since that day that is until 2 days ago.

He has been calling me on the phone and sending me messages.

I am still angry and upset with what he said to me but I am now more rational than that time.

He want to meet, he wants to talk, he wants some explanation but I don't know what to say to him and if I do say something to him, I don't know if he would understand where I am coming from.


Hi guys. I am not really happy with these update but decided to just post it. I want to be done with this story as soon as possible.

Please if you liked it, vote and comment.

I need motivation to write and your votes and comments motivate me.

I don't proofread my works, please if you find something inadequate or wrong, please bring it to my notice.

Thank you.

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