chapter 17

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Karan Pov

This party will make tomorrow's headlines . Media was going crazy to catch the best shot and to bag as many breaking news as they could.

"Mr. Raichand is it true that you are currently involved in some romantic relationship? Answer us ."

Of course .

"I believe that my personal life is completely my business. This party only is to celebrate the deal with The Mackenzie enterprises. So I will only answer the questions regarding that topic . "

"Mr. Raichand we heard that you stole this deal from The khandelwal industries. Is that true?"

"This is absolutely baseless and a lie . Now excuse me ."

Leaving all the other thousands of other questions behind, I finally entered my party.
The party was already in a full swing Mr. Mackenzie was already there socializing with other business partners.

I took a quick  360 swipe for Mia,and as expected she was with his father who was introducing her to some of his associates. She was fine for the time.

"Karan , boy meet Mr . Rathod here . He's the CEO rathod industries . We did some business in the past and I look forward to work together." Mr Mackenzie was introducing me to some of his own guests. Since he instead for this party to be a joint function from of our companies.

By the time I was done with all this introductions I was feeling a little tired. I found Mia was sitting and talking with some girl , she's looking Mia's age . At least I hope she's enjoying herself.

Suddenly she  looked at me and smiled ,she pointed at me and signed to go towards her. Maybe I was staring at her for sometimes and she felt my stare.

"So, this is a very good friend of mine Karan Raichand". She introduced me to the girl she was talking to. "Karan , this is Rhea Rajvanshi."

Rhea forwarded her hand and we shook hands and I gave her a curt nod. Then she excused herself .

Good. I could talk to her alone for sometime.

"So , looks like you are enjoying without me? "

"Hm , what to do? You are not with me and I was bored!" She replied taking a seep of the cold drink she was drinking.

"Mia, how many drinks you already took?" God this girl . She'll never listen to me.

"Just 2. This is my 3rd one "

Lies. I raised my eyebrow at her in a challenging way .

"Okhay fine this my 4th one. Last one . promise". She made that adorable puppy dog face, how could I deny !

My phone vibrated informing me of a new text .

"We are here." - Daniel.

Daniel and Dhruv , my best buddies as usual they were late .

I looked up , they just entered and looking around trying to find me.

I raised my hand trying to get their attention and luckily Dhruv noticed me .

Dhruv dragged a not so interested Daniel to our table, who was busy to check out some girl.

"Hey buddy , nice party . " Dhruv and Daniel both gave me a man -hug .

After they settled down , I introduced them to Mia , since they had never met her in person . "Mia, love these are my two best buddies. Dhruv and Daniel . We went to college together". She gave them both a warm smile . "And guys meet Mrs. Mia Raichand, my wife ."

Wife. For some unknown reason I felt really proud to call her my wife .

Dhruv also smiled at her politely and shook hands with her. Daniel shook her hand but then brought it up and kissed her knuckels , looking at her directly in the eyes. Mia was visibly unconformable by this gesture but I let that slide , since Daniel was like that with girls .

We were talking and that girl Mia was talking to previously came back . Dhruv was checking her out . We left the ladies to talk and headed towards the bar .

"Man, you bagged a naive one . Lucky bustard . You were right she has great curves ." Daniel patted my back taking a seep of his whiskey.

I expected Dhruv will say something like that too , but he stayed silent .

"She's so bang worthy . You bustard why won't you fuck her again. I would totally bang her all the time if I had her." Daniel continued. It was common talk amongst us .But today I became angry . How dare she talk about my wife like that ! I would have started beating him , if we weren't in public.

"Daniel . Get out of here right now.  Don't talk about her like that.  Ever . She's my fucking wife . " I hissed in a very low voice not trying to grab attention.

"Oh yeah . Wife ? Come on man we are friends , drop the facade!" He chuckled taking another gulp of his drink.

"I am very much serious Daniel . Don't talk about her like that ever. Don't look at her ." My voice sounded different even to my ears, he was eyeing her with some interest .

"Yeah right man . Your wife. Do you forget her when you cheat on her ? Then again she's your wife ?" He continued to mock me , trying to rile me up.

I couldn't stop myself from attacking him when he was still eyeing my wife. But at the last moment Dhruv came between us and stopped me.

"Enough. Daniel just leave . We will talk later ." Dhruv surprised me , honestly.

Daniel's eyes held anger he straightened his suit and marched out of the hall.

"Karan , you gotta chill man. He means no harm .come down ". Dhruv tried to calm me down and I gulped down my drink in a breath.

"Karan , meet Mr. Patel . We work together for quite a long time now." Mia's dad grabbed a chair by the bar beside mine . He introduced me to some of his associates. We started talking . Mr. Patel was a smart man . Some of the other gentlemen joined us .

It was around 10:30pm . Some guests were leaving already. It was busy evening and this party was successful indeed . I didn't eat dinner and Mia was no where around. I knew she was most probably waiting for me.

The clock struck 10:50 pm . I was looking for her for 20minutes now . Dhruv is also searching with me . We checked the entire hall and banquet and around the gardens but couldn't find her. 
I just hope she's safe and not in any trouble.

"Karan , ask that girl." Dhruv pointed to the girl Mia was talking to. She's with some other ladies.

"Hey " what was her name? Ria ? Rya? Oh yes Rhea. "Rhea . Can I talk to you for a second?"   She excused herself and came aside .

"Yeah . Sure ".

"Do you know where Mia is? "

"Yeah , that waiter gave her some chit and she walked away smiling."

What the hell?

"Do you know where did she go or when did you last see her ?"

"Yeah I think 30 mins ago ,she said she's going to the balcony . Hey is everything alright?" She was concerned.

"No everything's fine. Thanks Rhea ."

Dhruv and me rushed towards the balcony that was after a small passageway in the farthest corner of the hall. It's cold outside so nobody was there. 

What was she doing there?

"Mia!" I finally found her there . But nothing could have ever prepare me for the sight infront of me .

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