chapter 34

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Karan's POV

Morning came a lot sooner or maybe that was just my exhaustion catching up but nothing could hold me down. It was time to move and Mia was still sleeping peacefully. It's never a pretty sight to wake her up without her will but there's no other choice.

"Get up, Mia come on . We are getting late". She just nodded and pulled the cover over her head , she's doing that for 20 minutes now.

Guess, it's time to take out the big guns.

"Fine then , you carry on . I will just go to the office".



and 3.

Knowing her next reaction , I smirked. Like I said she was up in a second and scowling at me . " If you wanna go to the office, then what am I doing here with you? Huh"

There. " Morning to you too, wifey" .

"Karan stop smirking, you're looking foolish" . Oh yeah? I know you love it.

"Why deny it wife? I know you love it."

She didn't say anything but kept looking at me with full of doubt .

"Get up Mia, get ready . We are running late already".

Her expressions changed so fast that I couldn't keep up. Was that happiness or confusion or did she want to sleep longer.

Knowing she'd ambush me with her questions, I took the chance before her,
" Nope, you don't get to ask me anything. You just get ready in something comfortable and we are good to go. You will know everything when we reach there . "

Reluctantly, but she went to the washroom.

Even though I said, not to ask questions it didn't settle well with Mia.

"Why won't you tell me where are we going?"

"Told you it's a surprise!"

We were riding in a SUV for the last 1hour and reached the deck .

The gorgeous "LAZZARA" was waiting for us there in her all white glory.

"Welcome to the LAZZARA. Mr.Raichand . I am Gregory Williams , captain of the yatch. "
A middle aged man , maybe in his last 40 welcomed us with a warm smile.

Mia was looking at everything in awe. Her face was light up like a small kid getting chocolates. She was looking so funny but nonetheless adorable.

"Karan is this it ? She's so beautiful? Are we gonna stay the whole day in water ?" Her beautiful orbs were staring at mine with so much wonder and mirth . I couldn't help but secretly smile at my luck.

How did I get so lucky?

"Patience is the virtye ,my love. Now come on lead the way beautiful." She blushed a heartwarming shade of red.

"But Karan what if I have sea sickness" . Her face fell.


"Come on Mia , I have talked with your doctor. And she prescribed some meds for any cases . Nothing bad will happen, love. I won't let it. Now with your permission,can we go?"

She nodded eagerly. And we interlocked our fingers . Together we walked . After helping Mia , to settle up properly. I asked the yatch assistants to bring out breakfast.

we decided to have our breakfast in the deck instead of going downstairs in the dinning room. After all the view was magnificent with the fresh sunray playing a game of reflection with the waves and Mia looking at every where gleefully and trying to imitate the TITANIC pose when she felt like .

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