chapter 39

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Mia's POV

I didn't want to face him . Not now. I knew eventually I will have to talk to him , but I wasn't ready ,just yet.

After Charlotte left , I didn't realize for how long I was standing alone in the washroom. I didn't think of anything for a while, but then everything came crushing down . Her words started playing like a old radio in my head , I tried, but I couldn't get her out off my head.

Her words haunted me , my phone kept ringing for the hundredth time, maybe.

I wasn't ready. So I fled. I made my way outside without meeting anyone. David was just outside talking in his walkie-talkie.
He looked relieved to see me, they were looking for me already.

"Ma'am, where were you? Let me just inform Karan sir." He was taking out his phone, when my hands stopped him in their own accord.

"Just take me home . David . Please" . My voice gave out on the last word . Maybe he sympathized with me and nodded without another word.

The beautiful scenery of Mumbai at night flew by . I was just staring outside, without any thought within no time we pulled up in our home .

I was once again standing in front of a mirror, staring at a beautiful face, but her eyes were dull, as if something's broken inside her.

The first sob came only then. And the rest followed. I didn't know what to believe. How could Karan kill someone's baby? When he's always been taking up most care of me? Something just didn't add up. Karan was not like that . No way .

Could I be wrong in knowing him? Why did he never tell me about all this? Granted , I told him not to tell me about his previous relationships but this was different. A baby was aborted .

My hand automatically went to my protruded stomach. My baby . I couldn't imagine life without my baby now.
I made a silent vow to always my child with everything that I had.

But could Charlotte be lying? It was possible. But why would any girl tell lies about her love? But a mother will never lie about her baby's death .

Oh God. I didn't know what to believe anymore. My heart would never agree that Karan has caused such damage to anyone but my brain argued . I was getting sick . My stomach was rolling and I vomitted everything out. My mouth had this bad taste , my face looked pale completely and my eyes redshot. I could clearly audition for a cheap vampire movie and get the part.

My phone vibrated again .

49 missed calls from HUBBY.

WOW. wasn't he really concerned. This thing confused me? This overprotective man - how could he do such a thing.

My legs were about to give up. I couldn't stand any longer. Even my bed looked so far from the bathroom. Dragging my heavy feet , I somehow made it to my bed.

I had read it once, that grief makes people sleepy , and it was a truth - I knew that today.

A sudden sound of door slaming shut , followed by a furious "MIA" woke me up.

Karan was back .

I needed to ask him , otherwise I won't ever be in peace.

"Where the fuck are you Mia?" His voice was getting closer.

"Mia" . And the door opened.

Karan looked no short of a crazy man when he opened the door and turned on the lights.
"Did it ever occur to you that I might be looking for you. I thought something happened to you when I couldn't find you. I was imagining that night once again. I searched for you every where.  But here you are! Sleeping peacefully". He was shouting at my face now , shaking my shoulders vigorously. Maybe he didn't realize, or decided not to notice but he was hurting me.

"Karan leave my hand. I wanted to be alone for some times ". I tried to get out of his grip but he tightened them  , causing sharp pain to shoot up my arms.

"Yeah , now you are hurting. Good. You wanted some alone time , I wouldn't understood that.  Why didn't you tell me? Receive my call? I was looking for you for two hours and then David comes and informs me that you are at home. So imagine my surprise. Mia". His voice went a notch louder .

"Yeah so what. I didn't want to face you. Is that so hard to believe? Karan.  "

"What happened to you Mia? Tell me. Did something happen? I promise I will make it all right ". His voice was back in his usual soft , warm tone ,that was only reserved for me.

"Yeah? You think so? Who's Charlotte Singh ? Karan tell me? " All the colours left his handsome face. He looked frozed on the spot.

"How do you know her Mia? Did you meet her?" His voice was shaking. And my heart was breaking because my brain was winning for once.

"Does it really matter Karan ? Just tell me please?" I was reduced to begging now. But if that's what it takes, I was ready .

"We dated for a while when I was in university and now she's working with Singhanias as their PR. That's why she was in the party. What it is about Mia? You already knew about my history. " I wanted him to tell me on his own , so I even waited . But he spoke not another word.

"Was she pregnant Karan ? Did you make her abort the baby?" This was the make it or break it moment. I already knew the truth from his expressions , if anything I wanted him to come clean .

"I won't lie to you Mia. She got pregnant. Yes. And I wasn't ready for a baby back then . For fuck's sake I was in college. And we both had our priorities set. I couldn't let a child sabotage that. And mainly Charlotte wasn't ready. Her family was Christian . She would have been disowned if her family knew. So we decided it was best to abort the baby. " He waited for my reaction . And I really didn't know what to say this time . I had prepared so many things to tell him , ask him but when he explained I couldn't understand the situation behind it. I didn't know what was I supposed to say anymore!

"And we dated for another few months before parting on friendly terms. You must understand Mia , I was just 20 back then and she was just 19. Neither of us loved each other,so there was no point in spoiling all the lives. Please understand me Mia. I don't know how to got to know it, but please understand me. " He was looking straight in my eyes, never looking away. I knew he wasn't lying to me .

"I met Charlotte in the washroom. She said you didn't want the baby, and she seemed she really wanted the baby. And she also said I was lucky that you actually care for my child " . The words sounded so wrong now that I was telling them aloud .

"She twisted the story baby. Trust me . I care  for this baby, because it's mine but more than that, because I care for you and I love you. Please never doubt my love for you." He seemed vulnerable. I had only seen him like this once , the night Daniel tried to take advantage of me. Maybe we shouldn't attend parties anymore.

His callous hands caressed my face . Only then I noticed he was holding my face between his big hands and just staring at me. "Karan I don't know what to say? I thought you caused her to abort. Oh my God . She manipulated me so bad, she completely sounded like it was only your decision. " Suddenly raged took me in its hot embrace . I wanted to kill that girl for trying to make Karan look like this . "Mia , if you want I can call her right now. She'll tell the truth in front of me. "

But I didn't want none of that . I was just happy that Karan wasn't the sole reason behind her abortion.

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