chapter 45

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Karan's POV

"Are you sure doctor, she fainted in front of my eyes. Is she healing well?" I waited holding my breath, even though the doctor said she was doing fine ,just needed proper rest . I didn't believe him.

Stunned, I could only see her fainting right infront of me ,my legs moving fast enough only in time to hold her body before it touched ground .
Her body gave up because of stress the doctor said. I knew that already. But Mia wasn't ready to hear me. This day was bound to come, I knew and took measures to avoid it at any cost. But in the end it was my own stupidity that caused me a grate deal. I should have gotten rid of those papers long ago.

"She is doing fine Mr. Raichand. You can take your family home tomorrow. Now if you excuse me".

Fine. None of us were fine. Mia had deep dark circles under her eyes. Her face looked sad even when she's asleep. I traced my finger along her face as lightly as possible, trying to take away all her sadness,if only I could.

The coming days will be hard on both of us. Rest well love. My lips pressed a small kiss on her forehead out of habit. How long it had been already since I had her wrapped in my arms, sleeping peacefully.

Being driven back to an empty house was really dippressing, especially without any idea of how long the house will be like that . Mia wanted to go to her father's home after getting discharged. Not wanting to give her any troubles I had to reluctantly agree, maybe it was in her best interest not to see me everyday with her weak health. There was just a small problem though. I didn't know how long will I be able to go on without my family.

"......Is this the end of their story? Mia Jaiswal now Raichand spotted leaving with her newborn from the hospital. Sources confirmed that she's going back to Jaiswal villa! So is it the end? Stay tuned for more ."

".... Oh seems like trouble reached paradise, Mia Raichand is not living with her husband anymore. Well the couple just has a daughter together now. It already seems interesting.

"......well our once dear lady's man Karan Raichand is now a father to a beautiful Andra Raichand. Though it looks like his wife Mrs. Mia Raichand is not living with him anymore. We hope everything goes well for them.

".... we all remember Mr.Raichand's response when asked about the father of Mia's baby,after their impromptu marriage. But now they are living separately? Well we can't help but wonder. Stay tuned!"

".....Mia Raichand was spotted shopping with her friends. Looks like she's enjoying her time away from her husband. Stay tuned."

"Karan. Your PR team cannot control this mess. This is a breaking news. We need to get Mia living with you ,only then this issue will settle down." Khanna was having a hard time ,suing all the paparazzi and buying the gossip magnets. I gotta give it to them, they were cunning like a fox.

My PR team was on their toes 24*7 trying to block any juicy news , and releasing statements . But media houses are like sharks , you can only fool them for so long .

I wasn't worried about all those,but I was frustrated because all this media coverage was finally starting to show its colours. Raichand-Jaiswals share rates were dropping. Now this is something I had problems with, some of my big investors were strictly family oriented. They were starting to create pressure. I needed Mia to come back so badly. She went and took all my luck with her.

Maybe it's time to finally make the call. I was looking at her beautiful face in my open tab, she was spotted at an cafe with Andra and her best friends. Motherhood suits her. She was already looking a lot better than I last saw her one month ago.

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