Chapter 2 - Gunshots

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I dropped my hands down to my thighs as I looked at him, did he interrupt my leaving to come with his lame lines? I wanted to snap but he did save me back there.

I plastered on my big fake smile one more time as I finally spoke up, "That's not on the menu sir." I said calmly bringing my notebook and pen back up to take his order, he furrowed his brows as he looked at me suspicious, he then shook his head as he rested the menu down.

"I'll have a water," now I was confused, these men looked like they owned a country and he came here to a diner to buy a water?

He then looked at me waiting for my response, I shook my head to myself as I spoke up again, "Anything else?" The other men didn't even look at me and no one replied, I took that as a no and made my way back to the kitchen.

"What's the order? I think I can bring it to them so you can leave." Jenna said watching me with a tired expression.

"A water." I said doing quotations in the air as I said water, she rolled her eyes as she mumbled a few things, I then went into the locker room changing my apron and getting my stuff.

"Tomorrow you're off and the next day you'll have night shift." I jumped a little as I heard a voice, it was John our manager, I nodded my head as I collected my things.

I locked the lock but it missed so I had to get the keys and unlock it again so it could lock right, as I sighed the keys ended up dropping from my hand and I ended up kicking it as I was about to pick it up, sighing again I got down on the floor pushing my hands under the lockers, "I don't want to see you in your office, I just want my fücking money," I heard someone shout as I held my breath.

"Can you lower your voice, I don't want my employees hearing." I heard another voice but I knew it was John, my manager, this time.

"Oh don't worry, when a gun shot goes off in your office they'll know it was me so Eric knows to pay up my money!" The other voice shouted again as my eyes widened, who wanted John dead?

I closed my eyes tight as my right hand covered my mouth tightly, I just hope my phone doesn't go off like in those movies.

I then heard a door shut and I hurriedly swap my hands left and right trying to get my keys for the stupid lock, my hands finally landed on it and I grabbed it unlocking the lock with trembling hands.

I finally got it locked good this time as I rushed out of the diner, I'm definitely pretending as if I heard nothing tonight, yeah that would be the right thing to do.

John was my boss and yes I should be worried but it was none of my goddamn business to interfere in.


"Lylani?" I looked towards my door to see my uncle poking his head into my bedroom as he watched me, "Yeah?" I asked a bit in a rush, I never really would have conversations with my uncle since after the funeral and I liked it so.

"Well some of your aunts and your uncle Levin wanted to know if you was accompanying us at the lake house next weekend," without hesitation or thinking, " I have work that weekend." I replied dismissing the conversation.

"I-I called John and he said it was okay but you wouldn't get paid for that weekend, he said as I looked up at him trying my best not to glare.

"Well thanks, I guess I should go on with my other plans instead," I said giving him a fake half smile, he sighed loudly as he seen that I wasn't giving up.

"Think about it, isolating yourself from family and friends isn't healthy for your condition," How could he call himself family? I thought as I laughed bitterly in my head.

I can't wait until I'm officially 18 so I can move out of here and never turn back, I watched the marked calender as I passed my hands through the marked dates, two more weeks, only two more weeks and I would finally start my new life.


"Order up!" I sighed as I made my way back to the kitchen, I hated night shift, and tonight was family night.

And it were only us 2 waitresses, it's was suppose to be 5 but one quit because some story about money not being given right and the other two were sick.

I was so happy as I flipped the close sign, we were a 24/7 open diner but things weren't running like they were before and everyone found it funny.

The past nights for the month, it was almost always a full house but no one was getting paid right and couldn't understand where the little money they were suppose to be getting was disappearing to.

"What's up babe?" Jenna giggled as she bumped her hips up to mine, I shrugged as we continued walking, me and Jenna were best friends and we graduated together, this job was just a part time job, we both have diplomas and could reach further than being waitresses.

After my dad died, we weren't that close anymore, it was my fault, I pushed her away and she always made a effort to try and comfort me but a side of me had just shut down and wouldn't restart.

We were having a mini get together in the diner seeing that it was Hank birthday, we were just drinking a little bit of champagne, well I was everyone around here had alcohol.

I didn't want to stay at first but also didn't want to go home so I made a choice to stay, it was now 3am and we were in laughter as Jenna told a story I knew to the back of my head.

I couldn't help the giggle that slipped from my mouth as they all laughed, some of the cooks looked at the dishes as they sighed, it was Me, Jenna, hank and some other cooks that were there including some of hank close friends.

"We need to wrap this up," I said as they all looked at me annoyed, "You're no fun." Jenna pouted as they all shook their head agreeing.


We all heard a gun shot go off as our eyes widened and we looked around in fear, seven more shots were fired as we started to scatter out of the kitchen in fear.

We ran where we heard the gunshots come from, it lead us to John's office, I know it's a dumb move cause we don't know if the gunman was still there but we weren't thinking straight.

As we opened the door, we looked around in disgust, blood being all around his table and on the floor, John's eyes opened with a bullet right between them, it was 7 of us that stood in his office, my hands covered my mouth as I remembered that night John got threatened.

"What the fück?" Hank walked forward studying the scene, "We have to call the cops!" One of Hank's friend screamed, the door slammed shut causing us to jump in fear and look back.

There he was, Greek god, as he stood there with 6 men behind him, "Well well well." He smirked as he stepped forward.


Chapter 2 :)
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