Chapter 4 - Playing with Fire

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There he stood, the man that saved me from Calvin the evening in the diner, Greek god.

This time I couldn't stop my eyes from roaming his figure, he was tall and built very well than most men, his black hair looked very smooth and his facial hair made him look more delicious than ever.

I snapped out of my thoughts and that's when my eyes caught his, green to brown, suddenly my throat felt dry, the power alone that was coming from him just standing there made my palms get sweaty.

I wasn't going to ask the most stupid question most girls ask when they are kidnapped, 'Why am I here?' I rolled my eyes at the thought, I would never ask such a stupid question, I witnessed something I shouldn't have an the answer if very obvious.

He just stared at me, his glare alone making my eyes dart to my nails as the silence loomed in the air, nothing was said for a couple of minutes but then he chose to speak up again.

"The clothes in there now belongs to you, escaping isn't even a choice because you'll get killed before you even take a step outside, by shown of loyalty, you will be able to go where ever you want, assigned with one of my men." He said as he stood the same, not moving and not losing eye contact.

"There are boundaries and limits, always stay in line and you won't have any problem," he said tilting his head to the side, nothing flashing in his eyes as he says this, "You are ordered to clean and assist in cooking if asked, after that you come straight into this very room and don't leave until the morning ready for work again." He said in a strict tone, my tongue trembled in my mouth, I wanted to give him a peace of my mind, I thought he was done until he spoke up again.

"If you choose to have sexual relationships with my men, that's all on you but make sure it doesn't interfere in anything, if any mistakes happen it will be dealt with," with that being said my eyebrows scrunched up, what do he mean by mistakes?

"You should never look my way and don't try to befriend me because it won't never happen, you see me walk one way, you walk the other way," he commanded and I thought about it, he is an ass and I'll never want anything to do with him.

"You will have no contact from anyone on the outside, so no phones." He continued on, isn't he tired of talking? A smirk appeared on my face of that thought, it would really be amazing if he shuts up.

He stopped talking and glared at me, "Listen, I did not come in here to waste my time more than expected, okay? Do you have something on your mind that you want to say?" As that was said, I thought for a while and that's when an idea came up, "What about my fiancé and daughter, what would happen to them?" I mentally laughed in my head so hard, I really wanted to see his expression.

I saw nothing, not even a blink of an eye I got, "Do you think I give a fück about them?" He said and I was taken back, that was definitely not called for.

"You don't but I do, so what is expected since you want to come in here and make out rules, sir." I said as I stood up, I was definitely mocking him now, I hated when people got to cocky in front of me.

"Now tell me what fücked up life you have, being seventeen with an fiancé and kid?" He spat venom as he said that, now I saw something in his eyes, anger.

I gave him my best glare and sat down crossing my legs together, "Don't you think I ran a background check on you?" I honestly couldn't care no more, my respect for this man was totally lost.

"First warning for disobedience, family member will get killed," he said and I scuffed, "That won't do much cause I'll gladly help you do that." I said without thinking and scowled myself as I realized what I said.

He was taken back, now I got a good reaction out of him? But he quickly hid it and continued on, "You speak too much, I'll just have the rules copied and sent to you," he said and with that left the room, my mouth flew open in shock, I talked too much? 'The pot is telling the kettle it's bottom is black' I mumbled under my breath.

I laid in bed thinking about everything, my boss is now dead and I saw his body, and Jenna is gonna be showing her body to perverted men, my life was already a mess, but it just got messier.

Is this going to become my life? Being a godamn maid? I am worth more than this.

I couldn't sleep, the bed was indeed comfortable but I couldn't, I can't associate with new people, I don't want to, I never wanted to.

I was scared about meeting new people, being around them is already another thing, and this man, oh lord this man, with my mouth and his temper, it's like fire playing with fire.

Am I allowed to roam around the house at night time? At daytime even?

I stood up and paced through the room a little, killing me would be the best thing right? These rules and this job, I can't handle it.

He never told me what to do if I needed to speak to him, who was he anyway? What the hell? I can't believe I never asked these questions, he and his friends killed a man! An innocent man!

Reality is starting to hit me hard right now, he didn't even give a choice! How did we get here? I mean they stood a few good steps away from us, I don't even remember being knocked out.

"Lylani, Lylani, Lylani." I repeated as I continued pacing through the room, is this it? Am I going to turn into a crazy woman now and live in a mental hospital?

Without even thinking I was heading out of the bedroom, I had to give this man a piece of my mind, is that even the right thing to do?

I was just walking, I didn't even know where I was heading to until I saw a man, "Hey! You!" I pointed at the tall man that face was extremely serious, he rose a brow at me but I didn't mind him, "I am looking for a man." I said and he smirked, I furrowed my eyebrows until I realized what I said.

"No! Not in that way, the man that spoke to me earlier in my room." I said defending myself from this man thoughts, "I don't know who you are talking about, but you should go back to your room, now!" He said rudely causing my attitude to fully show on my face.

"Listen, you don't have to scream! And your breath isn't that sweet either if you didn't know!" I screamed back and the man's eyes widened and anger was written all on his face, but I couldn't give a damn.

"Bïtch, I don't know who you are and why you're even here but boss needs to know about your behavior." He said grabbing my arm harshly and pulling me towards him.

I felt like we were walking for hours until we finally made our way to a double door, two men stood protectively in front of it with guns in their hands, all my confidence died down to zero, I stopped causing the man to face me, "I-i" the words couldn't form, but seeing those men again made the words fly out, " I am on some heavy medication, I didn't mean anything I said back there, so why not call it even and show me back to my room?" I asked shyly in my nicest tone as I looked into his eyes.

His grip on my arm tightened as he pulled me once more and nodding at the men before knocking on the door, he then opened it and pushed me inside, my legs were now trembling, my mouth always got me in trouble, I sighed as I looked around.

"What!" Someone practically shouted causing me to jump, and it wasn't anyone else but Greek god, I turned to look at the man besides me with fear in my eyes, hoping he would turn around and take me back to my room but nope, nothing went so.


This chapter is kinda boring? Lmaoo but here is chapter 4.
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