Chapter 3 - Male Entertainment?

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See, If everyone had just listened to me, we wouldn't be in this situation right now. Our hands were tied up and tape was over our mouths as we stood in an office.

I don't even know how but we got knocked out and woke up to our wrist being tied and tape on our mouths. We all looked around, taking in our surroundings.

I was so caught up in looking around, I didn't notice the handsome man that walked in now standing in front of us, everything about him screamed power, just like Greek god, but Greek god looked better.

Why am I comparing men to each other? I asked myself in thought as I shook my head looking down in shame.

I noticed that it was only us four women in the room, the men was no where to be found.

"Seeing that it's four of you, it makes this way much easier, you get to choose what section you want to be place in, if you can't make up your minds, you will be placed to wherever I desire." He spoke up, he voice alone screaming powerful.

We looked amongst ourselves in confusion, until he spoke up again, "Only two can select to be maids and the other two will have to work for male entertainment." He said without blinking an eye.

Our eyes opened wider than before as he spoke, did he think we were stupid? Why did he use the definition 'male entertainment'?

We all shared another look, I was definitely not going to share my body with some perverted man.

He turned around and left without another word, now tell me, how in the fücking world did he expect us to share our thoughts about this with tape still on our mouths.

We couldn't do anything else but gave each other looks, one of the cooks were glaring holes at us but all she got from me was an rolled eye.

Feels like an whole hour passed until he came back but with another young man behind him, "Have we made up our minds?" He asked with a smirk, then I realized that he didn't care about our opinion and was going to place us where he pleased.

Jenna gave me an apologetic look and I could tell she was nervous, I then turned my gaze back to the man, he had now put his phone in his pocket and now his attention was fully on us.

He walked up to the cook that was sending glares and smirked, "I'm sure men will enjoy your presence," he said without sparing her another look, I couldn't help it, my heart rate picked up as he made his way to Jenna, "They will enjoy yours too." He said finally and turned his back to us as the other man walked foward facing me and ripping the tape away from my mouth harshly as he repeated his actions to the other girls.

"No way!" The girl screamed causing all our heads to snap to her, the man stopped as he stiffened, fisting his hands he turned around and in a split second he was in front of her with a gun held to her head.

My eyes snapped open bigger if that was even possible, I was terrified, I felt my palms getting sweaty and regretted everything that took place tonight, "Listen, I really don't have time for this silly bullshit, now because this is your first time, you'll pass but I won't hesitate on putting a bullet in your brain the next time you speak to me in such manner." He said bluntly, anger laced in his voice.

With that he grabbed her arm and forced her out of the room, He then turned back to Jenna but didn't grab her, he just motioned her out, she gave me terrified look, I could see the tears in her eyes ready to spill, I shut my eyes tightly and looked down once more.

The man then turned back and grabbed the other girl and brought her out of the room leaving me in the room by myself, I couldn't think about what was being done, my nerves were just going over the roof thinking about different things that was to happen.

It felt like another set of hours passed by until the man that ripped the tape off of our mouths came in and looked at me, "Follow me." He said without sparing me another look, without hesitation I did as I was told.

Getting out of that office I realized that we were in a house, and we were held in a study, with a sigh I couldn't help it, my eyes roamed around its surrounding taking in everything.

It looked like we were in a modern castle, it was breath taking, we headed up some stairs that I found was too much, I felt embarrassed as the man had to stop half way and gave me a look, I was indeed trying to catch my breath.

After a few seconds, he turned back seeing that I was able to continue as we walked up the rest of the stairs.

We made a left turn then a right turn then walked up into a nice looking hall way, I couldn't help it, I could never escape this place even if I tried, it was so huge.

He stopped abruptly but I was on guard and didn't hit into his back, "This will be your room, you will stay in here until further demands, I suggest you freshen up and get some sleep." He said, something about him said that he was nice but something else in his tone made me not want to be friends with him.

As I entered the room, I couldn't help but to gasp, the room alone was breath taking, twice the size of my own, there was a huge window and a couch in front of it, a walk in closet and let's not get started on how big the bathroom was.

I did as I was told and freshened up but later sighed as I realized I didn't have any clothes, walking back into the bedroom, I walked into the closet and saw that it was filled with clothes, from dresses to sleeping wear.

Without questioning it, I took a comfortable shirt and some sleeping pants and put it on, don't look at me the wrong way but I don't like to sleep with underwear on sometimes.

After getting dressed, I made my way to the queen sized bed and flopped down on it, I couldn't help the moan that escaped my mouth as my body made contact with the bed, I twisted and turned until I found my most comfortable position.

I was almost about to fall asleep but jumped up in shock as I heard someone clear their throat, " I see you are enjoying your new room," he said with no emotion and he stood there in a serious stance.


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