Chapter 12 - Free

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This chapter is a little Violent and may not be suitable for certain readers that may get offended or whatsoever so I've warned you!

"I-It's Wanda," I lied through my teeth. I would never tell any of these guys my name. He smiled approvingly as he played with the strap of my bra. I bit my lower lip trying to hold in my tears. His scrawny fingers were creeping me out. "I- I wasn't suppose to be here, I'm not exclusive." I said hoping he would stop but he didn't. His hand going to my thigh, I started trembling on his lap and that caused him to smirk.

"You have an amazing body, bella." He continued his assaults on my body as he sniffed me. That's right, the dog sniffed me.

"Why don't you go get yourself a drink?" He said as he pointed over to where the alcohol sat. I never drank and didn't want to around these men. But if it was getting me away from that perverted man, I definitely took up the offer.

I made my way to where the alcohol were and tried not to gag at the man and woman that sat beside it. They were ready to fück, it disgusted me.

My back facing everyone else. I poured my self a little drink as I looked around the table. That's when I spotted something. It was a pointy knife. It probably belonged to the man there, I slowly pushed my hand foward, acting as if I was putting my cup down and grabbed the knife without getting anyone's attention. I slowly brought it up to my body as I placed it under my breast trying to make the bra hold it still. The bra helped me succeed as the knife was now hidden. I had to try and not make Mr. Pervert touch me there.

"Bella." He called almost making me jump. I made my way back to him as he placed me on his lap again and this time I could feel his hard erëction poking through his pants.
This. Is. Fücking. Disgusting.

His hand landed on my inner thigh as he started making his way up to my vägina causing me to roughly grab his hand and throw it off of my thigh. I could tell he was mad and I didn't care, he was getting too bright and disrespectful. My dad must be looking down at me in such shame.

The thought of my dad made realization hit me. I wasn't being myself. I was about to stand up but this man held me down tightly to his gröin. "EVERYONE LEAVE!" he barked loudly causing me to furrow my brows.

Everyone hurried out of the room as we both stayed there. Well I was struggling against him but he was way too strong. My dad taught me better but it's been a while so I was kind of rusty on the skills.

"Sei una bella cagna da guardare ma penso che ti serva un grosso cazzo nella tua vagina per uccidere il tuo spirito infuocato. Dimmi baby, vuoi questo grosso cazzo?" (You're one nice bitch to look at but I think you need a big dïck up your vägina to kill that fiery spirit of yours. Tell me baby, you want this big dïck?)

He spoke and I didn't understand a word he spoke. It made my skin crawl the way he was looking at me. He roughly lifted me up as if I weighed nothing and threw me on the couch like I was a rag doll. Okay, he was extremely strong.

He roughly cupped my sëx causing me to scream. This was not happening.

"Mi piace quando urlano. Ti stai bagnando?" (I like when they scream. Are you getting wet for me?)

He continued on in Italian as he pinned my both hands above my head. The built up tears spilled as I continued to beg, "Please, please don't do this!" I begged and that only turned him on more. "Help!" I screamed, "Someone! Help me!" I continued causing him to slap me with force.

I think my lip was now busted. My body was trembling under his. I can't let this happen. He held both my hands together with one hand as his other slid into my pänties. I screamed as he entered one finger into me.

"Cazzo, sei così stretto. Vuoi che continui a sfogliare il tuo gattino?" (Fück, you're so tight. Do you want me to continue fingering your little kitty?)

Don't cry Lylani. You've been through this. Do what you have to do. Do it. I chanted in my mind as I slipped one of my hands out of his quickly.

As the events were happening his voice came into my mind.
"So if I was you, I would suck up that little attitude you have and let your body do the fücking talking from now on."

I did exactly what he said. I let my body do the fücking talking as I grabbed the knife that I stored in my bra underneath my breast, cutting myself in the process as I struck it with full force into his skull.

He didn't expect it coming. Blood ran from his mouth onto my chest as he stared at me with wide eyes. I turned the knife in his skull as I pushed his lifeless body off of me. My hands trembling, this was bringing back terrible memories but I couldn't cry now.

If they found out I killed him I think I would be next. Come on think Lylani!

I quickly searched him with my hands still trembling as I found his gun and wallet. I took his jacket off of him as I placed it around my shoulder. Opening the door slowly with trembling hands and the gun in the other. I looked left then right to see the coast was clear and that's when I bolted out through the exclusive exit.

Making my way outside of the building I almost dropped to my knees. I was free. The air was different, it felt like happy air. I smiled at the thought. I got up and ran as the tears cascaded down my face. I was free from it all.

I probably looked crazy because I was running with bare feet and a huge jacket covered my body but it didn't care.  I continued running as if someone was behind me following. My heart burned, my whole chest burned. I wasn't fit but if you saw me running right now you'd think I can win the Olympics.

It was dark and it started to rain. Seeing the familiar street I pushed my body until I couldn't no more. I was almost there, I was almost home.

Seeing the familiar house come into view excited me but it also brought back pained memories. I ran up the stairs and unto the porch as I knocked desperately looking behind me paranoid.

The door swung open revealing my uncle with wide eyes as he looked at my state. You thought he would've asked where I've been for so long since I've been missing and shower me with love, you're wrong.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me as he continued watching me in disbelief.

Another chapter written. I'm humming right now. Isn't this funny? No? You don't think so, okay.
Vote and comment for Lylani's sake!

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