Chapter 9 - Interacting

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"I wouldn't mind buying you toothpaste you know! You big stink breath dummy!" I shouted at the man that looked as if he was standing on the ceiling.

That's right. I was dangling from my feet. Upside-down. I was annoyed as I sent daggers at the stupid man that stood before me. His arms were crossed as he watched me with a playful smirk.

"See where that mouth of yours get you,"  I mocked him, and I could see it angered him. "Don't you stop and just think before you speak? It sounds like you say whatever comes to your fücking mind!" He shouted causing me to chuckle. The blood was rushed to my head but I was dying with laughter. He could be a comedian.

"You studied me? That's sweet, you're my new bestfriend." I said jokingly as he blew out a puff of his breath, "Big careful there buddy, we don't want anyone to smell that and die." I started laughing again. I was so enjoying this, in a way.

The door opened causing my laughter to die down as I tried to make out the face but being upside-down was starting to take a toll on me.

"What did she do now?" I remember that voice, but I can't make it. It sounded oddly familiar. "She slapped me!" Stink breath spoke up causing me to roll my eyes. Yes. I was hung up like an animal because I slapped the ašs. "Don't get it twisted stinky! You touched my ašs and that's disrespectful!" I shouted at him, I was mad now.

"It was a mistake for the last flipping time!" He yelled, he did try to explain me that over and over but I didn't care. From my past experience it was like a reflex when the slap came across his face. And when I did, things got hectic. He ended up chasing me and we made it to a pool that I must say looked beautiful.

Well he continued chasing me and ended up falling face flat earning him a big bump on his forehead. Guess who's getting punished for that?

"And it was a mistake when you fell on your head. That bump is getting bigger, I think you need to see a doctor," I said trying to make the situation better but the myserty guy made it worse, "Oh snap, that bump looks infected Roger!" He said in a sarcastic tone earning a fits of laughter from me.

So, stink breath name is... Roger. He just glared between us and it made the bump pop out even more. "Can I come down now?" I pleaded as I pouted, I wasn't feeling comfortable in this position anymore.



Something felt wrong. It's been a while and I haven't heard or gotten any complain of Lylani. It was bothering me in a way.

It was peaceful and quiet, but it just felt weird. I stood up from my seat and made my way towards the door. Opening it I looked over at one of my guards, "Have you seen Lylani?" I asked and he shook his head no. Looking over at the other guard, he did the same.

I was making my way into the living and spotted Franklin. "Where's.." he smirked before I even finished my sentence, "In the basement." I pinched my nose bridge as I tried to control my anger. What did she do this time?

Turning on my heel, I made long furious strides to the basement.

I pushed up the door causing it to creak in a horrible sound as I made my way in. I heard her scream and that made me pick up my pace as I followed the sound of her voice.



"It's just a centipede." Roger said as he held the creature closer to me causing me to scream louder than ever. I was going to start crying if that thing touched me. "I don't care! Keep it away from me!" My voice trembled as I eyed the creature viciously. It was dead but I didn't care. It made my skin crawl.

The door flew up, a pissed of Alejandro stood there as if he was ready to kill someone. "What the hell is going on?" He barked causing both men to straighten their back. "She's scared of centipedes," mystery guy chuckled. That seemed to amuse Alejandro but he quickly hid his expression as he made his way into the room.

They just told the devil one of my many fears. I glared at the mystery man as I denied quickly, "That's not true!" I yelled causing both Roger and mystery man to arch their brows.

"Let's find out." Alejandro said as he took the centipede from Roger and came closer to me. I held back my tongue as I watched the centipede with concerned eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked as he passed the creature close to my face. I shut my eyes tightly as I shook my head yes. It went silent. It felt as if a whole 5 minutes passed causing me to slowly up my eyes and that's when the devil rose. He threw the centipede on my face.


"Did you take your off for the week already?" Sarina asked causing me to raise a brow at her confused. "What off? I am allowed to do that?" I queried her as I pratically jumped up, "you didn't know?" She asked causing me to frown.

"No, I've been working my butt off seven days a week every week." I shrugged, it's good that I know now. "Well you know now." She said as I smiled. I got closer to Sarina and when I say closer I mean I actually smile when we speak now. Not a fake smile, a real one.

We both were in the kitchen getting lunch started. "This song!" Sarina shouted excitedly as she turned up the volume.

We both danced to the song as it blasted through the kitchen. I was behind the stove as Sarina was chopping the vegetables. I giggled as she sang along to the lyrics.

Used to be your baby, used to be your lady. Thought you were the perfect lover. All the harmony went falling out of key, so
Now you gotta find another. Now you're talking crazy saying that you made me

Like I was your Cinderella.

You and me are through, though, watch me hit it solo.
I’mma do it acapella, yeah.
I’mma do it acapella, yeah.

I soon joined her as we continued dancing.

Once upon a time, I met the perfect guy. He had that Colgate smile, he had that suit and tie.

Mama always said get a rich boyfriend
You don’t gotta love ‘em, girl, you can pretend
You bet I totes believed her, yeah, every word she said
Thought he was gluten-free, but all that I got was bread
Mama always said nice guys finish last
Beat ‘em at his own game, honey, take the cash.

Jamming to the tune we didn't hear no one enter. Clearing their throat we jumped to turn around to see; Alejandro, Roger, mystery guy and the same man from the night we got kidnapped. Thinking about it, mystery guy was the guy that escorted me to my room!

"What's going on here?" Alejandro barked causing Sarina to flinch but I just gave him a bored look, he always killed our fun. The other guy moved aside and the bowl I had in my hand dropped to the floor so did my mouth.



Ohhhhh I updated! Now this chapter was rushed because I needed to update but ahhhh! Lool.

Vote and comment! Don't leave my work unattended, I did my part now you do yours!


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