Chapter 13 - Find Her

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I wasn't planning on writing but I'm loving the attention the book is getting so here guys🙄


I pushed him out of the way as I entered the house in my horrible state. He grabbed my arm roughly causing me to send a dangerous glare his way as he pulled his hand back.

He mimicked a fish for a moment, him not saying a single word pissed me off even more. I turned on my heel quickly as I made my way towards my room. Tears cascading down my cheeks as I looked for a duffle bag in my closet.

I couldn't believe this, the pressure came down hard on me as I packed my clothes. I never saw my life turning this hectic this quick. Looking at my bed I sighed, thinking I would never get to lay in it right now. I was extremely tired and felt as if I was going to faint away but I couldn't stop now. Knowing that asśhole, this is the first place he would look for me.

I would love to see him right now to put a few curse words on him. I was almost räped in his stupid whöre house.

Trying to grab everything I would need I rushed back into my closet to change the little piece of cloth that covered my body. Making my way out I quickly tied my hair into a high ponytail.

The sound of a door shutting with force caused me to stop in my tracks. Looking towards my door I quickly made my way to it as I put my ear close to hear what was going on.

"Where the fück is she?" I heard a voice ask quietly but you could've heard the venom laced in his tone. My eyes snapped open as I recognized the voice.


I grabbed my duffle bag as I made my way towards my window in a quick pace as I slid out of it.


I was boiling in anger. I don't know which had me more upset, if it was that she killed a man in my establishment or her almost getting räped. It was the first thought.

Making long strides towards her room, I noticed the door was locked as I attempted to open it. Everything had me pissed right now and it was clear as a sunny day on my face. Stepping back a little, with force I pushed the door with my shoulder causing it to fly open.

Looking around, the room was empty as if she was never here. Looking over to her closet you could see some clothes on the floor. Rolling my eyes I turned on my heel making my way out of her room.

Making my way back downstairs, I sent a glare towards Levin as I made my way towards him. You could see it on his face, he was scared. This coward irritated the shït in my soul.

Grabbing him by his collar, I pulled him close to me as I brought my head down to his ear level. "Next time can you atleast try to keep her here a bit longer and not be a puşšy and let her get away," I spoke bitterly as he trembled in fear, "Or else I'll be putting a bullet in your skull." I dropped his collar as I attempted to straighten out the wrinkles.

"The only reason I'm not killing you right now is because she might come back here, do you understand?" I asked as I pulled out my phone turning away from him, "Ye-" putting my hand in the air he stopped, "I want her alive." With that being said I made my way out.


"How did she even have a knife on her?" I asked annoyed as I looked at the man's lifeless body. This man lost all my respect if he actually let a girl do this to him. "You're asking that? I want to know how she got into exclusive!" Greg said, he was angry too but I don't even know for what.

"Sir, we haven't gotten any intel on her yet." One of my men said for the hundredth time today. "Why the fűck are you telling me that for? Find. Her. Now!"

"Let go of me!" A man shouted, catching all of my attention. Raising a brow, I gestured for my men to let him go.

"My boss is dead because of some dirty bïtch! I want revenge and something from you in return!" He demanded, looking slowly over his boss lifeless body, slowly back to him. This man is asking for too much. Without a second glance I quickly pulled out my gun ending his life with two bullet wounds to his forehead.

"Clean this up." I said exhausted as I made my way out of the room.

4 days later.


I was now staying at one of my dad's secret get away homes. He always had these homes all over and I never questioned why. Slowly picking up a dusty picture frame, I smiled at the picture, it was me and my dad while we were playing in the backyard to one of our many homes.

My heart broke as I stared at his smile. That smile always warmed my heart.

I snapped out of my trance as I made my way to the bathroom, standing infront of the mirror, I got frustrated looking at my hair.

My hair was one of my best features and I didn't want to cut it. Rolling my eyes in annoyance I made my way back downstairs as I made my way to my dad's office.

Opening one of his drawers I grabbed a burner phone and a set of car keys.


"This burgundy will fit you nice hun," the cashier complimented me as she checked out my stuff, "Thanks," I said as I continued watching over my shoulders.

Looking over my stuff I realized I was still missing one thing, "I forgot something, I'll be right back." I told the cashier as she nodded.

Rushing back into the aisle, I spotted what I needed as I quickly grabbed it. "Lylani?" I heard a mans voice causing me to go still, turning back slowly to see who it was, sighing in relief as I watched Calvin who had a smirk on his face wink at me.

"I can't right now Calvin." I said as I attempted to make my way past him, but Calvin being stubborn Calvin held me back. "Where have you been? And why did the diner close down?" He asked innocently. This boy is not going to let me pass right now if I don't answer his questions, rolling my eyes, "Wasn't making enough money and I am really in a rush right now, so can you please excuse?" I asked politely.

"Sure... under one condition." He said causing me to sigh in frustration, "What?" I asked annoyed and he noticed it, "Go on a date with me." I literally imagined one hundred ways killing this boy right now as I just stood there eyeing him down like a weirdo.

"Calvin." I started but stopped as I remembered something, "I'll do it, under another condition," I said with a smirk, he grinned as he stared at me with a amazed facial expression, " anything." He said.

"I need a fake ID and some other things, no question asked." He looked at me weirdly and uncertain but soon stuck out his hand as I gladly shook it.

"How will I get in contact with you?" He shouted cause I was already half way walking away, "Meet me here tomorrow at 12 noon." I said without turning around.


Yes this chapter is boring but not all chapters are gonna be fire..I really didn't know what to write but be glad I updated and I don't know when I will again but I might soon.. blahhh I just don't know lol. But do vote and comment because I do see them and you cause do make me smile and want to write on forever! I appreciate everything you guys are doing to get my attention and I love the attention the book is getting.. We're almost 10k views! Okay I'm Done blabbing! But my other book has about 50 chapters and if you keep tired of waiting for HMM to update you can read that book in the mean time!

Stay tuned!❤ I love you guys!!
Not edited!❌

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