Chapter 8 - Blondie

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He knew exactly what he did and why he did it, but the reason and question for it was not answered, he kissed her and didn't feel no way about it. He understood that he had no soul but he thought that it was that woman that stood in front of him was the one to become his wife, but the kiss they shared he couldn't feel anything about it.

But then he didn't understand why he kissed her again after the first kissed they shared, he earned a knee to the balls and that caused him to grab her by her neck and he deepened the kiss and she didn't reject that time.

It was frustrating him, he didn't understand how Lylani had just come into his life and take control over it like that, he couldn't put his finger on what it was about her that drew him to her.

He closed his eyes as he rested his head back on the chair, he was going to send her to another estate to clean, her being here wasn't good for him, he couldn't go weak for a woman, he has been thinking about it for a while and he thinks it's for the best.

He got up from his seat as he made his way to the maids headquarters, he stood in front of her door and battled with himself for a while, he decide to walk in.

She wasn't there, he narrowed his eyes as he looked around and still didn't find her, he looked towards the bathroom door as it was open, he figured she was taking a shower and sat on her bed as he waited for her to come out.

Lylani walked out with the towel covering her naked body, as her eyes landed on him, she almost screamed but did not, she felt self-conscious as he stared at her with lust hooked in his eyes.

He stood up and stalked towards her, his pants felt tight against his legs the closer he got, he smirked at how she hadn't said a word yet, he thought maybe the kiss they shared made her mouth contain itself, but he was wrong.

"Why are you in here?" She asked bluntly causing him to shake his head, she didn't know when to shut up, he thought.

But instead of replying, he placed a hand on her waist causing her to go rigid, that made him smirk once again as he got closer to her. She looked at his lips and back at his eyes.

Did she want to kiss him? She didn't know what was going on and the only thing that she thought was that he was the type to f*ck and dip, and she did not want anything to do with that, with that thought again she tried to pull away but his grip on her waist tightened causing her knees to go weak.

She did not want him to have this effect on her, she didn't want to be his fück buddy, knowing her, she would play along with the game but it would get out of hand fast before she even knew it seeing the position they were in.

"C-Can you give me some privacy to change, please?" She breathed out, he rose a brow as he looked at her, "Do I have to be in this position with you for you to give me the respect I deserve?" He whispered in her ear.

He knew what he was doing to her, he finally felt like he had control and by the way her body shivered against him, he thought it was because she was cold but knew it was because she wasn't experienced and that made him feel way more better and felt way more power than before.

"We'll have to continue this another time love," he said, it caught her off guard with the nickname and it was clear that she was powerless under his touch, she imagined how it would have been if he had touched her any other way, she quickly dismissed the thought as she looked at his back as he exited the room leaving her in the same spot she stood when she entered the room.

In the back of Alejandro's head. He wondered why he didn't go along with the real reason he went to her room in the first place, why did he choose to entertain her instead?

Shaking the thought out of his head. He decided to occupy himself with work.


Lylani had been staying in the low trying to avoid Alejandro. With their last encounter, she couldn't stand to see him. He made her feel again but he didn't make her think.

She would just stick to her rountine. It became boring, day after day. The same thing being done. Most of the time she would slack because the house was already clean.

There was a question she wanted to ask Alejandro, she wanted to know how much longer she would have to stay at this mansion cleaning.

She did not miss her family in no way but she didn't want to stay here either.

Dropping the mop in its bucket, she decided to make her way to Alejandro's office. Cracking each of her fingers as she made it closer to the door she noticed that it wasn't guarded today.

Not ever once did she not see the door unguarded and her suspicious rose. She shoved the thought to the back of her head as she knocked lightly on the door.

It swung open revealing a beautiful lady with wavy blonde hair and a super model body. Her dress hugged her body perfectly and her heels making her seem taller than Lylani.

Lylani was staring at the woman for a bit too long allowing the woman to clear her throat and give Lylani a look.

She didn't know what took over her, why did she keep look over the woman for so long. With a sigh she finally spoke up, "Is.." she started but soon stopped realizing she didn't know the Alejandro's name.

"Alejandro?" The lady spoke up causing Lylani to scrunch up her brows in confusion, she finally had a name for Greek god now she thought.

"Yes, Is Alejandro there?" She asked, the lady smirked and shrugged her shoulders, "He was and we were in the middle of something before we got distracted." The lady said swinging her blonde hair over her shoulders.

Lylani stood speechless. Without another word Lylani turned on her heels leaving the woman at the door frame. She couldn't believe her ears but it was Greek god she was thinking about, of course he had many women to look at.

Feeling played she made her way to her room and slammed the door shut.

* * *

Lame ass chapter! But I've been stuck on it since February and needed to update!

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