~Chapter one~

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I woke up to a bright sun shining through the window, I could hear footsteps above me, they were rather loud so I figured it was Jimin. for some reason he walks with such might, I guess it's to make him prideful, because after all: Jiminie is very insecure sometimes. I slid myself up and looked around, something I do every morning to make sure no one took my stuff; they do it so often I think of making a chart saying what is where. I lean down off my bed and grab my shirt, sliding it over my major bedhead. The footsteps get closer to my door, just as I am standing up the door opened.

"Oh, Good, you're up." Jimin said. "Morning, I guess Tae is the only one who is asleep. Want to help me wake him up by pouring water on him?"

I frown, Immediately coming to his defense. "No, Don't do that. I'll wake him up." I say quickly.

"Alright then. We have practice at 3:30 by the way, Manager sejin texted me like an hour ago." Jimin sent a hand through his hair, slightly taming it. I nod slightly in response and follow Jimin out. I turn at the top of the staircase, which leads me to Tae's room, I open the door and go in, avoiding the several games and headsets that lay scattered around the room.

I walk over to Tae's bed and sit on the edge, I study him for a minute before doing anything. How can someone look so cute, even sleeping and entangled in blankets? I put a hand on his side and shake, hoping that would wake him up so I did not have to go to plan B. I hear some groans and a flutter of closed eyes, then he rolled over.

Plan B it is.

I go to Namjoons bed and maneuver around his clothing, grabbing a pillow. I walk back over to his bed and slam the pillow against his head.

"WAKE UP!" I yell, which startles Taehyung awake.

Yes, I did not want Jimin waking him up harshly, but with me it's different.

"Ah!" He says startled, although it sounded more like a moan. With one more hit I was satisfied and threw the pillow back on Namjoons bed. "Morning." I say.

"Gah! Kook!" He yells at me, I could sense some frustration in his voice, but I also heard a lot of playfulness.

"In my defense, Jimin was going to dump water on you. I'm you're almighty savior right now." I put my hands up dramatically. Tae gets out of bed and dismisses me, pushing me out and closing his door. I took this as the time I should be dramatic.

"TAEHYUNG! IT DOES NOT HAVE TO END LIKE THIS!" I say dramatically falling to the ground. I hear a laugh from inside and at that I felt rather satisfied, I got up and walked away, stretching as I walked down the hallway and up the steps.

All of my hyung was sitting on the couch watching TV and eating cereal, they were all squished together and in awkward positions, this is when I hit the horrible reality I may have to buy them a bigger couch.

"O look, it's the Golden baby." Yoongi teases as I walk in.

"I am a grown ass man." I say defensively.

"Sure, by the way you're clean laundry is over in the wash room." Yoongi says.

"OK, thanks." I walk away and I hear them laughing as I enter the kitchen, I open up the cabinet and pull out a bag of cereal, then I walk back into the living room and dine away at my find.

"JUNGKOOK! NO!" Hoseok raises his voice, "That's mine!"

"Well, no one made breakfast." I continue eating, Hoseok starts to approach me.

"Give me it!" He scolds.

"No, I'm hungry." I move to the left and he grabs at me, I just merely dodge it, dumping half the cereal on the floor.

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