~Chapter Twenty-One~

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I have a special gift in this chapter for being gone for so long 😏

"So your OK with Kook and I's
relationship?" Taehyung asked manager Sejin.

"Yes. I'm sorry I reacted that way . I was angry before and when I heard the news about you guys I lost it, even though I support it." Manager Sejin and all of my hyungs were in the meeting room, planning our concert in America and fixing what Sejin did.

I looked over at Taehyung, and then my others Hyungs, was this a situation that an 'it's ok,' should even be said?

Taehyung seemed to take the hint.

"I don't really know what to say. This is not something that and it's ok can fix Manager Sejin. I mean I forgive you partly but it still stings and I think I can say kook feels the same way," Taehyung states, I nodded.

"I know. I know. I really messed up and I'm surprised you did not fire me." He put his head down. Taehyung seemed to be enjoying the dominance.

"We were to upset to physically talk about it but I definitely thought about it...I was so close to saying something to Jin because you made my kookie cry," Taehyung was clearly getting worked up, his whole body seemed to be tensing at remembering it.

I reached my hand under the table and gave his thigh a squeeze because it was covered. He looked down at my hand for a split second and took one of his hands off of the table and put it on top of mine.

Jimin looked under the table and smirked seeing Taehyung and I's hand.

"Well, Taehyung, if you want him fired all we need is an agreement with the other members and he can be gone after this meeting." Bang Si-Hyuk said, giving a look to Tae, "You to Jungkook. If I Remember correctly he slapped you?"

I nodded, I was getting a little antsy myself.

"See, that's where I get angered...I've watched you guys grow up and I've taken a protective position over you. So that makes me very mad Sejin," Bang Si-Hyuk looked at Sejin, "I did not figure out about your relationship until after Sejin did...I wanted to have a proper talk with you guys and I will after this-" He looked down at me and saw me looking down, depressed.

"No, not a talk like that Jungkook. I support you guys I just want to clear everything up." He smiled down at me and I nodded.

"Anyway, long story short, do you want him fired or not? I will have Sejin escorted while we make this decision," Bang Si-Hyuk sent two of the people outside to come in and bring Sejin to the waiting room, he looked so sad.

"So. This is a group decision. Based on what you know now what do you guys say?" He asked.

"I mean I don't like that he slapped Jungkook and I was certainly distraught seeing the effect it had on them..but I would say no because he had been with us for three years," Jin said.

"I would say no to.. but if he ever does something like that again he won't live to be here and have the discussion," Yoongi said, his caring side showing.

Taehyung cleared his throat, "I-I really don't know. He slapped kook and made him cry for hours and announced to the whole house out relationship but he's like a dad to us also and it was clear something was not right," Taehyung was clearly battling an internal battle in his head.

"Jungkook?" Bang Si-Hyuk looked at me and I locked eyes with him. He gave me a gentle nod letting me know everything was ok.

"I don't want him gone either...but I also don't want him around me if he's mad anymore." I said, then looked at Taehyung for some reassurance, he gave me a warm smile.

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