~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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For the last few days things had been hectic, more for my hyungs then me.

I was laying in bed shirtless scrolling through Instagram when Tae walked in.

"Oh god not now." He joked around, making me blush and throw a blanket over myself.

"Stopppp," I whined.

"Your cute, you know that?" He came over and kissed my forehead.

"Yes I know. You say it a lot." I giggle.

"I'm just happy I get to say it." He smiled at me which made my heart flutter, I blushed and hid my face in my hands and he just chuckled and plopped down beside me.

"I love how armies are trying to find my instagram." Taehyung smiled. "They won't find me."

"Yeah. Who are you following anyway? A bunch of fan accounts and stuff?" I logged onto my phone and clicked on Taehyung account, then who he was following.

I scrolled down and smiled at some of them. The first row was just a bunch of makeup accounts, then stupid stuff like slime. (I got slime stuck in my hair the other day...it was fun 😂)

As I scrolled down farther a blush overtook my face and my heart skipped a beat.

"Y-Your following fan accounts of me and taekook?" I said , shutting Instagram down.

"Oh-I-um—" Taehyung scratched the back of his neck, looking embarrassed and awkward.

"That's so cute!" I coo. 

I jumped over to his side and tackled him down onto the bed. Hovering over him.

"I love you so much." I wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned down to kiss him.

"Can I top next time we have sex?" I asked, suddenly wondering what it's like to shove it in, not have it shoved in. 

Taehyung broke out laughing and rolled onto his side, resulting in me falling into the mattress.

"W-Wow-" he wheezed, tears rolling out of his eyes. "Real funny kook," he wiped under his eyes.

I looked down, embarrassed.

He thinks it's a joke.

Taehyung made a weird breathing noise and then looked at me, his face dropped.

"Kook whats wrong?" He asked, sitting up and rubbing under his eye.

"Nothing. It's nothing." I look up and put a smile on my face.

"Don't you dare pretend to smile," he glared. "Seriously what's wrong?"

"Why can't I top?" I whine out.

"Kook, you can't groan and I can't moan." Taehyung laughed.

"But I'm strong and I can hold myself up!" I argue. "We're like the same height!"

"Try it." Taehyung said flatly.

"Try what?" I ask.

"Hover over me for thirty minutes. That's about how long our sex lasts." Taehyung said.

"Fine! I'll show you I can top!" Taehyung lays down and logs into his phone and I get on top of him, legs on either side and hands by his head. "During sex this won't be so boring."

__________10 minutes later_________
My arms started to shake faintly. It was really tiring, but I could not give up. I wanted to top.

Taehyung would let out a laugh here and there as he scrolled down on videos. It made the whole situation kind of awkward.

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