~Chapter Twelve~

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Just a warning before: this chapter contains some smut at the end, so if you are not comfortable with that just skip it.
Security was waiting when my hyung and I got off the plan, since we were at the front of the plane we got off first. The security guards, just like before, were big and buff. Their muscles could kill someone and to say I felt safe around them was a truth and a lie. I felt safe but scared because their muscles were much, much, bigger then mine.

The fans were already waiting outside the plane gates inside the airport. We try to keep the airport where we are going a secret but their is always a fan seeing us get in the same flight with them who tweets and spreads the word, and within a few minutes half the world sees it and I find my hyung struggling through a crowd.

Just as manager had said before, Taehyung and I were op front with security so if I fell the others could help me so Taehyung did not have to stop and possibly hurt himself. Taehyung was glued to my side once more, although Sejin would give him a majority of dirty looks when he would try to take my hand in his or even just get closer. It had me fuming.

Taehyung's touch calmed me down in times like this and he is essentially taking  it from me. But Taehyung's sudden boldness snapped me out of my mental fit. He grabbed my arm and farted as fast as he could, me following, to the car outside. The fans were behind us and we were way ahead, security panting. Taehyung threw me into the car first, softly as to not hurt me though, then himself. Then he closed the door and looked at the driver upfront, giving him a slight nod.

Taehyung and I laughed as we climbed to the far back of the tan van, then we saw security running towards the car with the rest of my hyung . Then the door slid open and the members started piling in.

"Fucking fuck fuck fucker," Yoongi yelled and flared at us, "why did you dipshits run off!" He yelled back at Taehyung and I, who were currently dumbfounded.
"I don't know, we wanted to have some fun." Taehyung said.

"Little dipshits...your lucky your cute." Yoongi ruffled Taehyung and I's hair, treating us like we were babies. Which kind of set me off but I let it slide because he was being nice. Last time w hit us with pillows to death. I thought my fluff filled life was over...

We reached the hotel around 3pm, giving us plenty of time to unpack before Jin wanted to take his 'kids' on a trip to check places out. Although we could not leave until Namjoon was done because he was the one who was fluent in English. Jin and yoongi were in the second room in our place. While the others where in another room. Although we could hear jin through the wall next door yelling at namjoon.

"Namjoonie hurry the tic tac up!" Jin yelled, then cackled at his joke. I sat in Taehyung and I's room unpacking. I was just about to put my boxers away when something hit the back of my head.

A pillow.

"Taehyung your so childish—" I laughed.

He hummed back at me, "Yes but you love it." Taehyung chuckled.

"I do..." I turned around and slammed the pillow back into him, taking him by surprise. I laughed at his reaction and soon the two of us were in a full on pillow fight. We were laughing and having fun until a door opening startled us.

"Hi Yoongi," I say.

"Cmon, we're leaving. Namjoon is ready." He said and walked off.
The streets of LA were crowded, worse then I had ever seen in Seoul. All seven of us traveled like a pack of wolves, keeping each other close. We did not think we needed security but just Incase we had them by us, but they were quite far back as to not cause attention.

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