~Chapter Eigthteen~

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The flight home was smooth.

By the time we got home, regardless of it being 3pm, most of us crashed. I stumbled down to my room for the first time in awhile and Taehyung made no effort to move me to his bed, probably seeing how tired I was.

He was such a good boyfriend.


Was all that was going through my head.

When I had woken up I lazily laid in bed staring up at the ceiling. I was fully aware it was now around 9pm, and that my stomach growled feistily but I was to lazy to get up. I felt rather hot but cold at the same time. My eyes were slightly watery but I figured it was just from lack of sleep.

A door creaking open startled me, for some reason I jumped under my covers. A low chuckle let me know who it was.

"Tae~" I tiredly said. He came by my bedside and squatted down. I rolled over to face him but rolled so fast my face hit his. Then I turned around and started giggling like I was high. Then I repeated once more, and rolled back over facing him.

"Stop being an idiot!"

"Hi Kookie," Taehyung leaned down and brushed the hair off my head, exposing my forehead. "Jin made you a plate. He wants you to eat before you go back to bed."

"No thanks, the blankets are consuming me right now." I snuggled up tighter in them, letting the sleepy haze fall back over me.


"Tae!" I whined as he ripped the blankets off of me. I made grabby hands towards the blanket but failed when I grabbed Taehyung's nipple instead.

"You need to eat, you barely ate anything on the day flight home." He tried to pull me up but I pulled a move called the dying shrimp and shriveled back up into the bed.

"Kook," I felt his smirk burn onto me, "Do you need to be punished?"

"Try me, you could not spank me if you wanted to, Daddy." I smirked at Taehyung's evident confusion.

"Good point, but I can do this..." Taehyung leaned over me and gently grabbed my neck, he leaned down and peppered kisses on it.

Taehyung moved down my neck looking for my spot, he knew he found it when my neck flinched. He started to gently bite and suck at that spot.

"Nghh~Tae..." I moaned, he smirked against my skin.

As he started to suck harder; probably leaving the darkest hickey yet, I shifted my body and wrapped my legs around his torso.

He got the memo and picked me up; his lips moving from my neck to my face. He kissed from my forehead to my lips before walking outside of the safety of the room, I was still latched on as we walked up.
I woke up on the floor is Taehyung's room. I remember why though. Hoseok was snoring loud in my room so I went to Taehyung's, but Taehyung kept tickling me so I rolled onto the floor and call it a night. I was so desperate for sleep it was all I had.

I heard Taehyung get up and out of bed, so I pretended to go to sleep so he would not tickle me. Which worked, until he hovered over me and started leaning down.

He picked me up and gently placed my still tired body back on the bed, then he tucked the blankets in around me.

I waited until he left and started to get ready. I really just wanted attention to be honest, but I did not know why. But I was glad he gave me attention and showed care.

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