~Chapter Ten~

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I woke up early, before the sun even rose. Today was the day we left, The flight was scheduled for 7:00am, But we had to get their earlier to deal with security and all of the fans. The fans were the most nerve wracking part of the trip, They get excited and pounce on you, or grab your neck and kiss it. It was a very awkward, and sometimes, Aggravating situation. 

I got up and out of bed, figuring I would get my luggage upstairs. I wheeled it out into the hallway, the picked it up and brought it by the door. No one else was up and it was still dark, so I had to use the lights. I went back down to my bedroom and decided to spend the rest of the time on Instagram. 

When my hyung finally got up, and hauled their luggage upstairs. Things got chaotic, as Hoseok forgot to pack.

"C'mon! go pack!" Namjoon yelled, annoyance in his voice. Taehyung was sitting on the couch jamming out to music, bobbing his head to the beat. I sat by him to avoid any Jimin interaction, who was in the kitchen packing food for us on the flight. Just incase they did not have any.

"Hey, how did you sleep last night?" Taehyung asked me, pulling out his earbuds.

"Good," I say, relaxing my head onto Tae's shoulder.

"Any...unwanted visitors?" Taehyung asked me.

"No Tae, everything was fine. I promise." I put my hand on top of his and he looks at, a sense of panic suddenly going away. "You nervous about the flight?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I hate heights so much." He says, putting his free hand on top of mine.

"Don't worry, you're safe." I say.

"I know, it's just an anxiety I can't get over, I'm always afraid the plane is going to fall out of the sky," He says, dramatically whistling.

"I'm more worried about the fans then the plane ride," I say, laughing.

"Yeah, Stay with me this time. If anyone hurts you they will face me." Taehyung says.

"Alright then, TaeTae." I say.

"TaeTae?" He repeats.

"Sorry, Taehyung." I say meekly.

"No, No." He says, "I like it." Taehyung scoots closer to me.

"TaeTae and Kookie," He adds, "That last one sounds delicious." He winks at me.

"Taehyung!" I say awkwardly. "I don't even want to know what you're thinking about right now,"

"It's dirty," He says, "And it's a lot of white, milky stuff from a fun time."

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" I yell, actually feeling invaded. All of the guys look at us.

"I'm kidding Kook, Calm down. I don't think about fucking you, calm down." Taehyung smiles at me. "Also, stop thinking about fucking me. You have another bulge." Taehyung throws a blanket over my legs to cover it up.

"Thanks," I say embarrassed.

"You need to learn to control yourself Jungkook." Tae smiles at my lap, which sends a sensation rippling through my body.

"I'm sorry," I say, feeling like I should.

"Stop apologizing. I'm making a joke. It's still cute and I like the fact you get one when you think of me...well doing that stuff. It's love," He laughs. "Love can't be controlled! It erects until everyone sees it!"

"Nice figure of speech there, Tae." 

"Thank you," 

"Is it cold out?" I ask.

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