~Chapter Nineteen~

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I woke up in my room, my head was throbbing and at first I was confused as to why it was, but then I remembered.

The depression settled back in as played what happened in my head, every little detail before I fainted. Only hearing faint yells of my name before blackness slipped in.

The door opened up, revealing a very worried Jin. "Kookie! Your awake." He came to my bedside. As he waddled in, the rest of my Hyung was behind him,  all except Taehyung.

Everyone bombarded me with endless questions, most being about my health while others were lectures for not telling them how I felt. I was feeling hopeful; thinking my Hyung did not hear all of the conversation between Sejin, Taehyung and I. But all hopes sank when Jin spoke.

"Can you guys please let Kook and I be, I need to talk to him." Everyone listened to Jin, him being the mother figure.

Once everyone left Jin leaned his elbows on my bed, his face suddenly taking a stern but soft look.

"We heard everything," he started, "for one; I'm sorry you had to go through that? He was being mean and all of us wanted to come up and stop him from yelling at you two, but we had to let it be."

I groaned, feeling dull. "I know Hyung, I'm a nasty gay." I slammed my face violently into my pillow.

"I never said that Kook, and I never will. Your like my precious baby. None of us or mad, some are a little weirder out due to the circumstances they found it out with, but none of us are judging you." He said softly, clearly trying not to upset me and he was heavily guarding his words.

"You know, most of us knew you and Taehyung had something going on, it was pretty obvious." Jin chuckled.

"How were we obvious." I asked kind of in a whiney manner.

"Remember that day you had 'cramps', the only cramps guys get that are that bad are the pain from boners in your pants Kookie. You were with Taehyung when this happened." He started, "also, Jimin told me how you were underneath Taehyung that one morning on the couch."

He took a deep breath in dramatically, "The grinding in the studio...boys don't do that to friends. And I walked by Taehyung's room once and heard you moaning, so I walked away not really wanting to know what was going on in there." He grinned, winking at me.

"Jin! We were..." I blushed, "Just kissing..." I recalled that moment, making my cheeks tint more.

"Okie then," he said playfully, "also In the hotel I clearly heard you two...you gave each other blow Jobs. I peeked in before the moaning happened both times, and was shocked at what I saw."

"That all?" I asked hopefully.

"there's one more that set all doubts aside...When you walked backstage and then Taehyung followed soon after, I figured he was just going to check on you, but when you did not come back I figured I should check on you..."

"Oh god..."  I gasped.

"I walked in and heard moaning in the bathroom..and I heard the sound of clapping, if you know what I mean. So I left not wanting to be the person who awkwardly walked in and ruined it for you." He awkwardly moved in his place.

"Oh my god.." I groaned in complete embarrassment.

"But no one else knows of those things but me. Everyone else was oblivious. But Sejin kind of rudely made it aware to them." He rubbed my back soothingly, seeing how this current chat was rubbing off on me.

"I have a question though.." he smirked. I hummed in response. "How was it?"

I choked on air upon hearing that sentence. I started coughing and Jin started laughing. "I want an answer," he said, trying to catch his breath. I sat up in bed and was relieved when I realized the dizziness and headache were gone.

"It was g-good..." I stuttered, "It f-felt nice..." was I really saying this to Jin?!

"Was he gentle?"

"Yes...he checked on me a lot during it. Don't worry Hyung." I fumbled my bed sheets in my hand.

"Kookie, don't be ashamed. You are aware that I'm Bisexual, Namjoon is also bisexual, and Yoongi is pansexual?" He smiled.

"Wait...Really?!" I felt relieved an excited that I knew some of my Hyungs were like me.

"Yep. And every member supports LGBTQ+." He leaned up and ruffled my hair. "And, even if we weren't gay or  accepting of it, if we found out you were we would still love you and start supporting it. Everyone in the group loves you so much, we would change our views because we love you and Taehyung that much." 

All of what I was feeling went away, I felt happy and accepted. No longer ashamed either. Jin leaned up and engulfed me in a hug.

He squeezed me tight and mumbled comforting words in my ear. When we finally let go he smiled once more at me. "Grown man my ass," he mumbled. I just chuckled, knowing at times I was very immature.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"12 hours. You passed out at 11, and surprisingly woke up at 11. You must be hungry considering you have not eaten anything all day. I have some left over soup from dinner." Jin signaled for me to follow him.

I slowly got up, the dizziness of hunger saying hello. I was hungry indeed, and hoped I would want what he made.

When we walked upstairs Hoseok and Jimin were watching TV. Everyone else was probably asleep due to the late hour. They stayed up long enough to make sure I was OK.

I had completely forgotten that Taehyung was no where to be found. I spotted Jin in the kitchen warming up the bowl of soup. "Where's Taehyung?"

"Back of the House," Jin replied. "What happened after I fainted, in detail please."

"When you fainted the room took a whole new mood. Taehyung ran up to you and we all huddled around checking your pulse and stuff. Sejin tried to get near you by Taehyung snapped and slammed him into the wall and said to leave. So he scattered. Taehyung wanted to be with you but he was not in a gentle mood so Hoseok took him outside and talked to him. He has been outside since, just staring at the sky and chilling on his phone. Later I went out and had a similar talk with him." Jin took my bowl out of the microwave, I sat on the couch and started eating it.

"Kook slow down, I know your hungry but that's gonna come up if you don't slow it down." Hoseok laughed.

"Can I eat with Tae?" I asked, not knowing what state he was in.

"Eat; then go out to Taehyung. He's gonna want a hug." Jimin laughed.


When I finished eating I put my bowl on the sink and went to the slider no one uses, I looked through and saw the shadow of Taehyung sitting on the ground with a picnic blanket under him.

I opened it and walked over. Taehyung looked over and looked confused, but before I knew it e latched onto me. Hugging me like his life depended on it. "Kook I'm so glad your OK." He squeezed me and I hugged back. I never wanted to let go, even though nothing very dangerous happened.

"I'm fine...I want you to come inside. I'm tired." I was not really, I had just woken up; but Taehyung had been outside for so long I wanted him to sleep.

He nodded and we both stepped inside. The room was completely empty, everyone must have gone to bed.

Taehyung and I went downstairs and decided to take showers before bed. We showered quickly and got in our pajamas. Then, as usual, we both got in his bed.

He snuggled up to my back and put a protective arm around my waist.

"Kook, I'm sorry." He said. "I spilled our secret. I did not want the members to know this way."

"It's ok Tae. I'm glad they know now honestly. And I'm not even going to worry about Sejin. There's seven of us and one of him so any issues and we can get a new manager." I said.

"Good point." He signed. "Goodnight kookie, I love you."

"Love you to Tae." With a final kiss from him on my head, we fell asleep.

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