~Chapter four~

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I woke up once again to the sunshine batting down on my face. I felt happy, until I got up and felt the pain in my neck. Then the images of yesterday came back slowly, but surely messing up my day to come. I looked around; I was in Tae's room still, but Taehyung was nowhere to be seen. I got out of the bed and walked out in the hallway, I was halfway down the hallway when I heard yelling coming from upstairs.

"What do you mean he got ATTACKED!?" I heard manager Sejin yell.

"We were out and this crazy girl attacked him, What was I supposed to do!." I hear Taehyung yell.

"You should not have been out without security!" Sejin yelled. 

"Well I'm sorry for wanting some GOD DAMN FREEDOM!" Taehyung says, The anger in his voice getting higher every word.

"What you did was downright stupid!" I moved to the corner of the staircase and sat down slowly. I had never heard manager Sejin be this angry. "Why are you so freaking retarded!" 

"He is not retarded, don't cross that line." I hear Jimin say, his voice also full of anger.

"I don't even know what to do about this! To do about YOU!" I heard footsteps move closer. Was he going to hit Taehyung?

"Stuff happens! At least he's Okay, I don't need security following us around 24/7, I'm 21 I am a freaking adult and I want to have freedom like one!"


"I can't take this anymore..." I hear pure sadness taking over Taehyung's voice. "I never would have pursued this if I knew everything would be taken from me." I hear Taehyung's muffled crying through his hands. Something in me clicked; If I walk up maybe it will stop. I felt pure anger boiling inside me. How dare he talk to Taehyung like that. I walk up the stairs and try not to stomp like a three year old. When I get up into the living room the mood changed. Sejin seemed to contain his anger. I looked around; My hyung were all there, there heads stressfully laid into their hands. When I walk up all eyes turn on me, except for Taehyung who had his head buried into his hands, Jimin comforting him by hugging his back.

"Ah, just the boy I wanted to see." Sejin says. "How are you feeling?"

"Good, The pain is not that bad." I say. Taehyung pulls his head out of his hands and looks at me. His face was all red and his eyes looked like Dams about to burst. I wanted to run over and give him a hug but I figured the mood was to tense.

"Let me see," He walks over to me and goes behind me, he pulls off the bandages slowly, "Woah, that's bad...it's going to get infected."

"It's fine." I say, "I don't even really feel it."

"But it can still get infected," Sejin puts the bandage back on. "I suggest taking him to the hospital,"


"Don't sas me Taehyung, I can lay you off faster than I picked you up." Sejin threatened.

"Actually, you can't touch me. We can lay you off; Big Hit owns us." Tae says.

"Oh, trust me; Big Hit will hear about this. Don't think you're getting off the hook." Sejin walks out the door; Slamming it behind him. 

Taehyungs eyes suddenly burst, tears flow down his cheeks at rapid speed.

"Don't cry Taehyung," Jimin says. 

"Taehyung it's going to be OK," Hoseok and Yoongi say.

"What if Big Hit lays me off?" He says.

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