~Chapter Twenty~

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I woke up before the sun was up, I was in a rushed state of panic and I did not know why. Probably a dream I did not remember.

I saw Taehyung peacefully sleeping besides me, his arms for once freed off of me. That's very rare. I easily got out of bed because of this.

I walked to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face, figuring I should just stay up so I don't wake Taehyung up with my restlessness.

"Boi, wake up!" I was awoken by a grumpy voice.

"Yoongi go away," I grumble.

"Your sleeping in my sofa spot so either move or I'll shove you between the cushions." He nudged me. I remained still, hoping he would let me go back to my black sleep.

"SMH....." he sounded, then got on the couch at the end by my feet, he grumpily rolled my body onto my stomach. At this point my eyes were open, and I was just confused.

The he pushed my legs up so I was in a doggie style position. Whole behind me he pressed himself up against me and grabbed my head.

"Wait!" I yelled, suddenly realizing what was happening, "We have not cleaned between the cushions in like a year!"

Then it went black. He actually shoved my face between the cushions.

My face pushed up against the bottom board; all types of crumbs were felt by my face and I had to resist opening my mouth up for a breath.

"YOOFI!" I yelled while my voice was muffled. His evil cackling was heard behind me and got louder when I kicked around.
"I will kick you in the- Ahhhhh~" I sounded as he tickled my neck to get me to shut up. "Let me out grandpa! I will call my hitman upon you!"

"Good morning- oh my god." I heard Jin say as he walked upstairs. "Why do I always walk in on this stuff!" He pouts.

"Calm down Jin it's not what it seems like," Yoongi releases me. Then looks down at our position as I look back at it. Oh god.

"Or is it..." he winks at me. I quickly turn back around so I'm in a normal position.

"Back off Yoongi, Taehyung already tapped that bum." Jin let's put a hearty laugh.

"Ahh~~ Tae harder..." Yoongi teases, making me cheeks turn a dark shade of pink.

"I hate you both." I glare at the two dummies. They just smile at me.

Soon enough everyone was up and around the table eating breakfast, Jin was cracking his dad jokes as Taehyung and I talked about the BT21 store in NYC.

"So, Jungkook, Taehyung," Jin started. "Later we have a meeting with Bang Si-hyuk later over the manager Sejin thing. He said Sejin has something to say to you two. And right after we have a meeting about a concert in America." He shoved more eggs in his mouth and made an obnoxious slurping sound.

"I don't want to see Sejin. He makes me feel ashamed to be honest." I say. I hear a spoon get awkwardly placed down, I looked up at Taehyung who suddenly looked mad and sad at the same time.

"Tae no- not like that." I say nervously seeing how hurt his expression was. He got up and left the table in a huff. "TAE!"

I bang my head against the table, making everyone look at me weird. "How am I supposed to fix this" I grumble.

"Seduce him," Jimin raises his eyebrows In a flirty manner.

"Show him you have hope!" Hoseok jokes.

"Fuck him!" Yoongi yells, earning a slap from the eldest.

"Kiss him," Namjoon adds.

"....Or talk to him...." Jin awkwardly adds.

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