~Chapter Six~

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We were able to bring Taehyung home the same day, He did not have anything seriously wrong with him. But they did recommended us cutting him off from all bars and perhaps rehab. I guess the doctor thought this was an addiction.

The minute we pulled Tae through the door we ushered him off to bed, He was still kind of wobbly but he insisted of going to his room without support. I sat down on the sofa and sighed, I was a bit embarrassed about the hysterical crying fit I threw. But my hyung did not seem to be judging me.  I laid on my side because my stomach was having a fight with itself from the amount of stress I just went through.

Jimin came and sat by my head and looked where I was staring; A wall.

"You alright Kook, you look pale." Jimin says.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My stomach just hurts from the stress," I avert my eyes to Jimin, he locks eyes with me and I could see his expression change to complete softness.

"You look so sad right now it's killing me," He starts to rub my head. "Cheer up, Tae is OK."

"I know, I just can't change moods that quick." I say.

"You look tired, you should go to bed,"

"It's only five o' clock." I clutch my stomach, which suddenly hurt more than before.

"Just take a nap and relax, I'll wake you up when dinner is made." Jimin says, I could sense the concern in his voice. Although he was not the Eomma of the group; He was to me.


"Go.Take.A.Nap." He says firmly.

"OK," I say getting up and heading downstairs. When I got into bed I immediately felt tired, Which I did not feel a minute ago. I got under my covers and zoned out.

I only got to sleep for an hour or so before Jimin came in and woke me up as he had promised,  He gently shook me around.

"Kook, dinner." He said. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I nodded and he walked out. I got out of bed and went upstairs, Everyone looked happy around the table; Although one person was still missing. Tae.

"Where's Tae?" I asked.

"Taking a shower, he woke up and smelt like barf, booze and sweat." Yoongi says. "The boy needed to clean himself before he could sit by us."

"Oh, OK." I say. We all start to help ourselves to the food, Taehyung walks up and looks over a hundred times better; His makeup was all washed off and he wore a fresh shirt. His hair smooth and blonde again unlike when it surprisingly had dirt in it. He looked handsome once more.

"You look so much better," Jimin says.

"I feel a lot better. Less like crap and more like world wide handsome!" He dabs.

"No! I'm worldwide handsome!" Jin says.


Jin puts a charming face on and poses, "Proof." he mouths back.

"Oh my, well here's my proof," Taehyung pulls his shirt off exposing his abs. 

"TAEHYUNG-AH!" Yoongi yells, pretending to be a fangirl. "I LOVE YOU!"

"God..Taehyung you could have just made duck lips. We would have voted for you anyway," Jimin says.

"Hey!" Jin yells. "OK, he wins. He's got freaking angel abs."

Taehyung puts his shirt back on and sits beside me, "Kookie!" He hugs me.

"Hi," I say weakly. How would a guy respond after a guy ripped his shirt off and acted like it never happened?

We all dig into the food and when we finish Jimin and Jin start cleaning up. 

Taehyung goes to his room and I go to my bed, I sit on my phone and look at old photos I took in Hawaii.  My phone buzzes and I look at my text message.

TaeTae: Come to my room I'm to lazy to go to yours.

Me: Okay.

I get off my bed and walk down the hallway to Tae's room, He was sitting on his bed looking at his phone.

"I was surprised when you texted back," Taehyung laughs.

"You're the only member I even respond to half the time."

"Nice, anyway I need to talk to you." He puts his phone down. "It's about last night." He looks down. Images of him kissing me comes back.

"Oh," I say. "Did...Did I do something wrong?"

"No! no, no." He says quickly. "It was me, I want to apologize. I was to drunk to control myself and when I saw you...I felt something." He sighed.

"Me to," I did not know what to say. I felt so small and vulnerable in his presence. I did not want to come off a loser. Even though I was one by far.

"Sorry for kissing you," He says quickly.

"Why are you apologizing?" I say.

"I could feel your uncomfortableness when you were up on the wall, I just did not know how to get away from you."

I sat beside him, "I was not uncomfortable, I was surprised. And I-" I cut myself off, Taehyung looks at me.

"You what?"

I hang my head down. 100% Vulnerable right now.

"I liked it," I fool with my shirt.

Taehyung  looked at me with a new look, One I could not identify.

"You..liked it?" He asked., "What do you mean."

"I like you, I mean it," I freeze, I was stuttering out random stuff. "I liked it when...We kissed." Tae's eyebrows raised, I felt a his hand land on mine. 

"I liked it to Kookie," He says sweetly. I felt my cheeks heat up, I knew they were a bright red. That was no secret. I looked at Taehyung and our eyes locked, a twinkle in his eye. He moved closer to me and picked me up, moving me practically on his lap. He wraps his hands around my waist and leans in; His lips locked onto mine, tasting like mint instead of booze this time. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and moved myself up; Then I realised I was on his lap.  Taehyung started to get adventurous, but I let him be. He moved down my neck, Kissing me passionately. Soon enough Taehyung pushed me down and was hovering over top of me, Still kissing my neck.

When he finally let of he was breathing heavy, then he leaned in and took my shirt of then his own; Usually I would shy away but I was open to this idea. He started to kiss me down my chest, I started to groan even though I felt babyish doing it; what we were doing certainly was not babyish though. I looked over at the clock. 10 o' clock. Taehyung caught me looking over there and he followed my gaze, he to, saw the time. 10 was when the guys started going to bed. Taehyung gave me one last kiss on the neck then released. We both put our shirts back on. I stood up to adjust mine.

"Oh crap," Taehyung says under his breath. "Kookie come here," 

I walk over to him, "What?"

He starts to rub an area on my neck. "I gave you a hickey," He says.

"Oh crap, what do we do? The members can't see!" I say.

"I know you own turtlenecks, wear those. Although the hickey will be on you for a few days..maybe stock up on them." Tae says, "But don't worry, I doubt the guys will make a big scene."

"Yeah right," I laugh. 

"Well if they do then I'll be there to protect you." He sighs. "I need to sleep the rest of this buzz of, night Kookie." He kisses me on my forehead.

"Night Tae." I say, walking out.

That night I slept like a baby, ready to conquer the day to come.

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