~Chapter Nine~

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I woke up in my own bed under my own sheets, which lately has been a rare occasion. Images of last night came flooding back to me, why would Jimin touch me like that? Did he not know that I like Taehyung? Of course he knows, he announced it on Live TV. I came to a dumb conclusion: I pushed his head against the floor so hard he got a concussion. But what if he just did it because that's how he felt about me?

Tae definitely knew something had happened between us, besides eyeing him down when I uncomfortably made my way to the kitchen; I also heard him before I fell asleep last night. He was out in the hallway and Jimin was approaching my door when he said, "Jimin, your room is that way. You do not sleep with Kook." In a rather possessive manner.

I knew Jikook was ship, but it is a ship that does not sail for me. What had happened last night was awkward. I felt as if I was cheating on Taehyung, even though we don't have an official label. I pushed all of the thoughts out of my head and got up, I must have been up earlier than usual because Namjoon and Hoseok were still sleeping. I realized that Jimin would be upstairs at this hour, after a minute of convincing I told myself it was a one time thing and that he knew I liked Taehyung, and was probably just trying to get back at me.

I opened the door slowly to avoid the creaking noise so I could let my Hyung sleep. I walked up the steps to the living room and sure enough, Jimin was up and on the sofa. I, being as nervous as I was, thought of something; If Jin is the oldest why is Jimin always up first? I mean, if Jin got up first we would not all starve until he got his butt out of bed.

"Hey Kook," Jimin says, turning the TV  down. I was relieved he did not call me Kookie.

"Hey Jimin," I walk towards the kitchen with my head slightly down to signal I did not want to talk.

"What's wrong?" He asks, concern in his voice.

You! You is what's wrong! I thought to myself, but what came out was different. "Nothing, Just a-nevermind."

"What?" He nags.

"I had...I had a weird dream, that's all." I stutter out.

"Oh, OK." Jimin turns the TV back up and continues watching cartoons, ash he probably does every morning. I go to the kitchen and get a drink of water and headed to the sofa, I did not want to draw suspicions towards me so I sat the normal distance from Jimin. I watch the cartoons with Jimin, finally relaxing around him. I put my glass of water down and laid myself in a slanted position on the couch when I felt a hand slide in between the space from my back and the couch back, Then Jimin started rubbing my back with his free hand. I wanted to pull away, but I did not want to hurt his feelings or embarrass him. Maybe he was just doing to comfort me from my bad 'Dream'.

I continued letting him rub my back, I did not mind honestly, it felt good and did not have an sexual feelings to it. Plus, I was the youngest so this stuff is kind of normal. Yoongi will just come up to me and rub my neck, but he did it in public, not in a secretive way. I sent a few glances towards Jimin, but never did he look uncomfortable or even fazed by what he was doing.

I heard footsteps, hoping for the release of Jimins hands, I pushed myself upwards to greet who  ever was coming. But when I saw the top of their head I thought I was in trouble, But Jimin pulled his hand away from my back as soon as he realized it was Taehyung. Tae looked at Jimin and I, he raised an eyebrow at me, he probably could sense I was uncomfortable. I slightly nodded my head to let him know everything was fine. Even though deep down I wanted to run into his arms and kiss him to show Jimin I liked Taehyung, not him.

Taehyung sat down beside me and drank his green tea, as he does every morning.

"Geez, all the youngers are up before the elders today," Jimin laughs.

Maybe if all the elders were up I would not have been sexually assaulted! I yell in my head,  but immidiently regret because he did not grab my privates, or touch my butt. He just simply rubbed my back and I felt as if I was overreacting.

"We have to pack today, right?" Taehyung asks Jimin.

"Yeah, our flight is pretty early tomorrow,"

"You excited for California Kookie?" Taehyung asks me, pulling me from my head and back to reality. I felt a sense of peace when he called me Kookie, I liked it when he said it. 

"Yeah, I want to eat all the weird American foods," I say.

"I promise you will," Taehyung says, squeezing my thigh.

"Maybe we could bring some home," Jimin says.

"Yeah, that would be cool." I say, suddenly realizing I have not felt worried about the MAMA's lately,  but I felt rather excited. I saw Jimin glance down at Taehyung's hand, and I could see a sudden emotion in his eyes. I could not tell what that emotion was. Next thing I knew Jimin was rubbing my hair. I saw Taehyung glance up at Jimin and their eyes locked; both battling each other by look. What was happening?

I was relieved when Namjoon and Hoseok came upstairs, both Taehyung and Jimin's hands were removed off me. I felt relieved that Jimin's was off, but I wished Tae would have kept his. I liked the feeling of his hand on my leg. It's relaxing.

Eventually the rest of the members came up and I headed off to start packing so I had less to do later. I packed my boxers in first, so my hyung could not grab them and throw them all over. I heard a knock on the door and I yelled to come in. It was Taehyung.

"Hey, need any help?" He sits down beside me.

"No, just putting my underwear at the bottom." I say, folding up the last pair.

"So, I uh...I need to ask you something." Tae seemed nervous.

"Yeah?" I look at him.

"Has Jimin been touching you?" He asked me, I felt a sense of panic.

"I-He-" I stutter out, Taehyung puts his hands on both of my thighs and slightly squeezes.

"Tell me, It's OK." Taehyung urges.

"Yes," I put my head down. "Yesterday he came in my room and started caressing my face...and this morning he was rubbing my back. But now that I think about it, he was rather low." I left out the detail of him calling me Kookie.

"I knew it!" Tae says angrily. "That short mochi is going to get it!"

"Tae! no, please." I say, "I don't know why he is doing it. But I want you to leave him alone. I'm not going to take him over you, I would never do that." I say tenderly, feeling like a mom.

"Kook, if he's making you uncomfortable then its my job to stop him," Taehyung says. "I could tell you were uncomfortable this morning, and when he looked at me then started rubbing your hair I knew he did something to you before that!" He sounded mad.

"Tae," I put my hands around his face, "Calm down, I won't let it get to far. I-"

"You what?"

"I love you," I say, Taehyung puts his arms around my neck, "Not him."

"If you promise to keep it at bay, then I won't intervene. but the minute he makes you to uncomfortable or upsets you I'm getting involved," Taehyung pulls me closer, "I love you to Kookie," He attaches our lips together, a long and meaningful kiss, a kiss that made my morning. When he pulled away he smiled at me, then got up and walked out.

I continued packing, feeling more and more excited for the next day to come.

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