~Chapter Seventeen~

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I woke up still in Taehyung's arms. I weaseled out of his grip and slid to the end of the bed.

I went to stood up and immediately fell down.

"OW WHAT THE SHIT!" I yelled out writhing on the floor. Taehyung shot up out of bed and ran over to me, ignoring the already short distance.

"Oh god," he sat down and helped me sit up against the bed. "Are you OK?"

"No, my ass feels broken." I say, "if I can't crap I blame you..." Taehyung started laughing and that brought a smile to my face.

"Sorry, I should have waited until we had lube. But walking in on you in that state...well it was so unfair to my hormones." Taehyung rubbed circles into my back in a comforting manner.

"I just wanted to go pee.." I whined.

Taehyung supported me by putting his arms under mine and helped me up. He brought me over to the bathroom. After I successfully made it to the toilet I was shocked when Taehyung stood there.

"Excuse me?" I look at him confused, "I'm trying to WEE WEE thank you very much."

"If this is what your going to be like after every round of sex then we need to do it more often because this is done funny humor." Taehyung smirked. My cheeks turned red. "Fine I'll turn around."


"Caught~" Taehyung turns around and leaves the bathroom, "but I saw you naked plenty of times, baby kookie."

"I'm having an aftersex period?" I ask myself. I feel bad for slightly yelling at Taehyung but I think he understand that's when your rump hurts you can be kind of grumpy.

When I finish up I limp outside to our room. Taehyung was waiting outside with a pill and water.

"Here, it's a pain killer." Taehyung gave it to me along with the water  and I gladly took it. "Jin said to get dressed so we could go out and get breakfast. Our flight is not till like 8pm."

I get dressed
"OK." I started to walk to the bedroom door. I tried to calm my limp down a bit before seeing Jin and Namjoon. They are the mother and father of us essentially and if he knew we fucked he would surely sit us down and give us the sausage to sausage talk.

Taehyung and I walked outside the door and Jin and Namjoon, along with the rest of my hyung were watching TV. I looked to see what they were watching.

"Octonauts...really?" I start laughing. Jin turns it off and Jimin actually looked offended.

"Let's go, manager is waiting with the car outside." Jin gets up and we all follow like lost puppies.
At the diner Manager Sejin looked happier then usual, we all sat down with eggs and tater tots: I had pancakes and bacon as an extra.

"Kook, your going to explode." Jin looked at my plate.

"IsOKIEhYunG" I say through a full mouth. Jin leans over and steals a pancake.

"HEY!" I yelled. I leaned over to grab it and he pulled away. Yoongi attempted to get me to sit down by tickling me but it just resulted in me spilling the syrup all over the table, and myself. I say down laughing.

"JUNGKOOK!" Namjoon said, trying to keep a straight face. "Clean this up."

"Make me," I winked.

"OH DAMN, KINKY AS HECK!" Yoongi yelled, more loud then intended. Everyone around us looked our way and we just gave them a sheepish smile from our booth. When everyone looked away we all started laughing. Even Sejin was.

I suddenly had to use the bathroom from the cups of orange juice I drank. The pain killers helped with the pain in my rump enough that I was able to walk without limping; for the time being at least.

I attempt to slide out out of the booth, once I pass hoseok and Yoongi I go to slide by Taehyung. On the way out he squeezes my ass, making me jump slightly. I could feel him smiling.
Back at the hotel Taehyung and I started packing, after we had wandered around the city we got back around six.

Two hours to pack was enough, more at that, and no one was in a rush for the day long flight.

I was packing up stuff when the pain from my rump came back, though I was still sore it was not enough to actually make me whine.

I was deep in thought, thinking about my past and that special night between Taehyung and I. I felt special and tough, not gonna lie, about taking his length without lube; but I was starting to regret it.

After Taehyung and I finished packing we lay down on my bed. I grab onto Taehyung's waist and he Sends a soothing hand through my hair. He turns the TV on and puts it on a random channel, then he cuddled with me.

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