~Chapter Seven~

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The rest of the week went by in a nerve wracking whirl. We were one week away from the MAMA's, and one week past when Tae got it on with me. For some reason I still could not shake it out of my head. I knew I was being ridiculous but I could not get over it.  Even starting a new week I was still caught often thinking about it.

"Jungkook! Snap out of your daze," Sung Deuk snapped at me. "What's up with you!, you guys leave this Thursday for the MAMA's, Kook you need to get your head in the game!" 

I snapped out of my daydream, all of my hyung was looking at me with sheer disappointment, except Tae.

"You are aware he got attacked by a girl? His neck is probably still sore. Besides; He is the best dancer of all of us. Don't worry. " Taehyung steps in.

"I suppose you are right, but I want it to be perfect," He says.

"And it will be, Just calm down and don't take anything out on Kook, he has been through a lot." Jimin says.

"OK, its break time anyway." Sung Deuk says. I keep my head down in embarrassment, I don't know why but I felt it. All of the members went to get snacks and I snuck away, heading to the corner of the room. I sat down and put my head in my knees and closed my eyes. I was so stressed out I felt insane.

"Jimin...put the bar down!" I hear Hoseok say in a playfully-angry voice.

"Never! it's mine Sir.Hope!" Jimin says.

I cover my ears and try to zone out all the sound and find some source of peace. 

"Kook, you alright?"  The sudden voice made me jump back.

"Y-yeah." I stutter out.

"You look pale, what's wrong?" Taehyung says, crouched in front of me.

"Just tired," I say, and I honestly meant it. My lack of sleep was more than imaginable.

"You need water, I think you're dehydrated." He says, getting up. Now that I thought about it; I have not had anything to drink all day.

Taehyung speedily walks to the backroom and comes out with a cold bottle of water, he takes the cap off and hands it to me. 

"Geez, I guess you were thirsty." Taehyung says as I chug the water down.

"Tired, Thirsty, Stressed." I say when I finish the water, "It's a combination. I'm on the edge and I'm waiting for someone to push me so I can burst and let it all out."

Taehyung sits beside me and wraps his arm around my neck, "Calm down Kook, you get yourself all worked up over dumb things, you need to chill and let loose."

"Can I say something inspirational?" I ask.

"I doubt it will be inspirational, but OK."

"I'm about to burst like you did in those tight pants." I look up at Taehyung and smile.

"Kookie!" He laughs, slapping the back of my head. "Was that the first thing you thought of?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Well I'm flattered you're thinking about my privates all day," I blush, apparently he took my inspiration wrong. "But you need to get your head out of my boxers and into the game."

"I know, I just need sleep and a relaxing day." I fidget with my shirt collar. "I can't remember the last time I got a full nights sleep, I wake up in the middle of the night every night...Even when I was active all day," Images of Tae and I come back to mind.

"Well what do you need to sleep through the night?" Tae asks.

"Don't take this in a dirty way, but the last time I slept through the whole night was when I slept with you," I find myself practically staring into Taehyung's soul, then I look away.

"Taking it in a dirty way all the way," Taehyung laughs. "But you know, You can get in bed with me whenever Kook."

"I know...I'm just..." I think on this for a little, "Shy in a way?"

"Well I hope you're not shy tonight because you're sleeping with me. I hate seeing you this down and lazy." Tae says.


"The bed is big enough for two every night and you should be in it most nights." He cuts in, I take his words in like oxygen.

"Might I remind you you're falling for a guy who got four out of a hundred on an english test?" I say.

Taehyung breaks out laughing, "There's more to a person than smarts." He looks down at my pants and so do I, then I realise the joke and look away.

"Oh, funny story. I was on twitter and there were these two girls fighting over which one of us had a bigger package. You won, I came in second."

"YES! WORLD WIDE CHAMPION!" He jumps up spreads his leg slightly. "I suggest pills Kookie."

"Jimin has pills I'll borrow his," I get up also.

"Pills don't work, I was kidding. don't take pills. They are bad for you and I don't want you sick."

"Alright," Taehyung come up besides me and gives me a giant hug from behind.

"Cheer up Kookie, the world deserves to see your beautiful smile." He rubs my waist a little bit and then we hear a door open, break was over.

By the time we got home it was well past dark. We went to a private diner and ate, security close by so we don't have a repeat of last time.

"God my feet are sore," Yoongi says as he walks through the door.

"I forgot I even had feet," Namjoon looks down.

I look up at the clock, nine o' clock. I guess we really enjoyed that dinner. 

I was tired and decided to push myself to take a shower, mainly because I smelled like sweat and other odors I could not Identify.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my lower body, I was startled by a knock.

"Kook get a towel on I need to go pee," Taehyung says.

"I'm going to torture you by sitting down instead of unlocking the door."

"KOOK! C'mon man I'm about to freaking pee myself!"

"Go outside," I tease, heading for the door. 

"I swear if you don't open this door in the next three seconds when you wake up you won't have eyebrows." He says. "Three, Two..."

I unlock the door just as he get's to three, He runs into the door with such force it knocked me over, I saw his shadow and quickly re-adjusted the towel.

"Wow, tempting. but I'm just here to go pee." Taehyung teases. I wrap the towel tight around myself, praying he did not see anything under it.

I turn around and go to the sink and get a wipe for my face, my eyes shoot up in the mirror and catch Taehyung. All I could see was his back. but I still felt dirty about it.

"I'm going to bed after this, so maybe I should sleep in my bed?"

"So am I, why do you think I'm going pee you nitwit." Taehyung zips up. "I'm going to go get my pajamas on, AKA looser pants."

"Don't forget to wear a bra." I say teasingly.

"Keep teasing and you're gonna wish boxers were thicker." He says, smiling. I cringe at the joke, but I did not feel uncomfortable. Taehyung walks out and closes the door behind him, I finish up and get dressed into some flannel bottoms and a white shirt.

When I walked into Taehyung's room he was in bed and on his phone, texting who I think was his sister. I get in beside me and within minutes he curls up behind me and grips his hands around me, he was practically spooning me but I had never felt safer.

That was the first night in a long time I slept all night.

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