~Chapter Fifteen~

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I woke up in the embrace of Taehyung's arms. Images of last night flooded in and made home. I still felt embarrassed at cumming untouched. But by the sound of Taehyung last night I know he did not mind. But it was still embarrassing. But then thinking to how upset I was about that I completely forgot I ignored him and he showered me.

"FUCK!" I screamed, not realizing that I yelled aloud. Taehyung shot up almost immediately, also making Me scream at his sudden actions in surprise. Which then made him yell in surprise of me yelling.

I was about say sorry when the door flew open, revealing Jin with a spatula.

"WHOS IN HERE? WHATS WRONG?" Jin turned towards our bed and saw both of us staring at him in shock. Then I began giggling like crazy. Followed by Taehyung. Jin came over and hugged me. "I thought you got hurt," I could hear his heart rate.

"I'm ok Hyung." I smiled. Then I also remembered something from last night. Taehyung is my boyfriend.

By the time I got this thought through my head, Jin had left. I jumped on top of Taehyung and wrapped my legs on either side of his. "Your my boyfriend! We're-" I was silenced by a kiss on the forehead. I did not care if he acted childish before.

"Yes Kookie," Taehyung kissed my nose. "Your," He kissed the tip of my nose "mine." He kissed my lips finally .

I fell down from my position, landing on top of him I sighed, my mood changed when I suddenly remembered something.  "The hyungs don't know."

"We will tell them, maybe tonight after the Mama's, or later. When I see they have calmed down and look less stressful then I will do it. Until then don't worry your beautiful ass off about it." Taehyung smirked.

"Tae~" I whined in embarrassment. "Stop."

"Fine," I felt his hands land on my butt and give it a squeeze, making me jump in surprise and fall of the bed.

I glared up at Taehyung, who simply said. "Now I can tell ARMY I got to pinch your cheeks!"

The day had gone smooth. The MAMA's started at eight so my hyung and I left at two so the makeup artist could do us and get us ready. Then we would probably fool around until Sejin told us to sit. Immature we are, yes. But we're the best band of immature people ever.

When we finally arrived the makeup artists got to work, along with the stylists and dresser. I was sitting getting my hair done while watching a YouTube video. When I heard laughing. I turned around and saw Jimin and Yoongi cuddling together. The scene made me smile,

It was no secret yoongi came off uncaring but he cares for us a great deal, and this now; proves he to can be soft. But I decided to be the evil Maknae.

"GET A ROOM." I yelled, throwing a pillow from my seat at Yoongi. He scowled and threw it back at me, only he missed. It hit the stylist who has a flat iron wand and made her drop it flat on my hair. The stylist stumbled back and the burning from the wand was almost instand.

"AHHH!" I yelled in shock. "OW!" I yelped. I did not know where to touch the wand to get it off. It was attached to my hair, stuck in a strand.

"FUCK!" Yoongi yelled as the stylist got up and I screamed in pain trying to get it untangled. Yoongi ran over to my aid and started tugging at strands to get it out, which caused even more pain. I did not realize I was crying until I felt the wand get detached and I warily slouched down in pain, holding my scalp skin from on top of my hair. I could already feel a sort of tender patch.

"Kook, are you OK?" Yoongi got down infront of me. Out of anxiety of what just happened and embarrassment from crying I shot up and opened the door. Where the the rest of my Hyung stood, coming back from exploring. I stormed past them. Yoongi ran out yelling my name. I walked into a private staff bathroom and locked the door. I let my head down as I passed other bands before I did reach my destination though.

Later, after an hour of sitting in pain and dabbing cold water on the burn. The injury seemed to stop hurting and he thanked god his hair was not burnt off.

He expected Taehyung to come find him, but was surprised when Taehyung was taking a nap on a sofa in the fairly large dressing room.

"I told you he would come back!" Hoseok piped up, rubbing Taehyung's hair until he woke up. Taehyung shot up looking rather tired, but when he saw Me his eyes softened. He motioned for me to sit next to him.

"Hi Kookie, hows your head?" Taehyung asked. I saw the stylist in the corner from the earlier incident shuffle, she was now doing Jin.

"Good." I said simply. I went to lay my head in his lap but the area was still a little sore so I lifted back up. I felt Taehyung's arms around my waist, he shifted my body so I was facing outwards and my sore spot was up with me. "Thanks." I muttered, the mood had definitely dropped since the incident. Although I was not surprised when my eyes landed on a sleeping yoongi on the floor with a donut sticking out of his mouth.

Taehyung started lightly scratching my head. When he made it to the soft spot he did it slowly to make sure it was not hurting me, when I showed no reaction he continued. It was only 4:30 pm and everyone was already silent, just great.

But I knew the MAMs would be really fun and a night to remember so I just closed my eyes and took a cat nap until someone woke me up for makeup and hair again. I hope Taehyung did not have to use the bathroom because I had switched once my tender spot was alright and my face was now snuggled against his chest with my arms wrapped around his waist. All I could think was.


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