~Chapter Three~

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I wake up in the early hours; around 6:30. Try as I might to fall back asleep, I failed. I got up and walked into the living room. I feistily jumped onto the sofa and went on my phone, waiting for everyone else to get up.

About a half hour later I heard footsteps, I figured it was Jimin so I did not bother moving but I was surprised by who came up.

"Tae? What are you doing up so early?"

"Could not sleep, figured I might as well get up." He said, "Why are you up?"

"Woke up and could not fall back asleep." I put my phone down and sit up, Taehyung comes over and sits beside me.

"Are you excited for the Mnet awards at all?" Tae asks me while putting a hand on my leg.

"No, I love Army and all...But I'm always afraid of messing up."

"Kook, you never mess up. You're the best dancer of all of us. and we all know you get fangirled over whenever you do a sexy dance move."

"Fangirled over by you or the Army?"

"Both," He laughs. "You get like this over every performance, Just chill. Even if you do make a mistake we're not going to disown you." He starts to move his hand up and down my leg, which is something he does to comfort me. He does it so often I don't even feel awkward about it any more.

"Plus, all these cameras are so stressful, One wrong move and I'll be all over youtube for everyone to criticize." I rest my head on his shoulder.

"That's the life of a star, The fans love you the most. I've seen the polls, every mistake you make is, 'cute' 'sexy' and 'adorable'."

"What was that second one?" I ask.

"What, sexy?"

"Yeah, if only I could get fans to call me that instead of oppa." I laugh.

"Oooh, international playboy wants to be called sexy?" Tae teases.

"Has a ring to it," I admit. "Sexy Jungkook, star of BTS."

"Sexy, ayy?" Tae eyes me down in a playful way. Then out of nowhere he pushes me down and hovers on top of me.

"Tae!" I find myself laughing, Tae was grinning at me.

"See, You can't be called sexy if you don't act sexy. You should have grinded all over." He says playfully, then he starts to air grind on me.

"Well that was so sudden. and I have never grinded on anyone." I say with Tae still hovering on top of me.

"That's a lie and you know it, you used to grab my hand and grind on my side when you were 18. It was really funny."

"O yeah, my innocent days," I say.

"You're still innocent. You're not even trying to get me off of you,"

"Your like the same strength as me-" Jimin walks up and looks at us.

"I-You-uhhhhhh" He stares at us. Tae quickly gets off of me and I sit up.

"Care to explain yourself?" He said in a shocked tone.

"I-I-" I put my head down as if to admit defeat.

"We were just playing," Taehyung says.

"Yeah, you were playing alright..." He eyes us down.

"It was not what it looked like, I swear. We weren't, you know." Tae says quickly.

"Trying to have SEX, you mean? sure looked like you were." He said.

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