~Chapter Five~

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This morning it was raining, which is something that was relaxing to see. I pushed myself up and onto the edge of the bed, scanning the room. There was still glass spread all over, and a sheet covering where I punched the wall. I looked over at the clock; It was 10 am. Images of last night came back into my mind. I figured Taehyung was still knocked out in bed, from the smell of him last night he had enough drinks to pass out for days. I got up and walked up to the living room.

"Kook! Good news, Taehyung is safe. He's asleep in his room." Jimin says, smiling at me.

"Oh-" I wanted to say, 'I know.' But I did not want them to question me. "Good, I was really worried."

"You need to clean up the room today," Jimin adds, his voice suddenly dropping.

"No, I'll do it. There's shards of glass everywhere, I don't want him getting anymore banged up then he already is. The kids got bruises on his fist, cuts and bandages down his neck, he is practically being held together by a thread." Yoongi says. 

"No, I can do it." I say. "I'm 20, not a kid running around with scissors."

"Fine, but I'm helping you." Yoongi says. 

I sigh annoyed.. I hate how they baby me. Even at 15 I was mature. ''Fine," I say, not in the mood for a fight. I go over to the kitchen and pull out a box of Cheerios and grab the bag out of them, throwing it in the trash and start shoveling down the cereal. 

I hear a new pair of feet come up the steps and turn around.

"Morning Taehyung..." The guys say, studying him up and down.

"Morning." Tae says, He still had a little buzz; he was quite a bit and he just looked downright horrible, which I never thought was humanly possible for Tae. His leftover makeup was smeared all over his face, eye liner making a circle around his skull adding the effect that it was cut open. I looked at him and our eyes immediately locked, then he shyly averted his eyes and so did I.

"No breakfast this morning, just get cereal." Jimin said.

"OK." Taehyung starts to come towards me, He was really unstable. The members were watching him move. It was pretty clear where Taehyung went last night. 

He stopped inches before me and awkwardly looked at me, "Morning Kookie." 

"Morning Tae," I say, finding myself smiling, He leaned over me; His shirt coming up for a split second, and got some cereal. But instead of shoveling it right away, he put it in a bowl. Now, this was not the off thing. The off thing was the cereal was landing everywhere but the bowl.

I covered my mouth trying my hardest not to laugh.

"Taehyung!" Jimin says festily. "What are you doing?"

"Well," Taehyung sighs. "I was trying to make cereal."

A laugh came out of my sealed lips and I slapped a hand to my mouth. I have seen Tae drink and get kind of tipsy but not this drunk.

"Your getting it all over." Jimin said, His voice straining to stay calm.

"I know," Taehyung grabs the bowl with a few bits of cereal in it and looks at it; I guess in his state that was an accomplishment. He starts to walk away and Jimin just shakes his head.

"Is he gonna clean this up?" He asks under his breath. 

"Uh, probably not." I say, walking to the living room. Jimin goes to the closet and takes the vacuum out, a very rare thing for him to do; and starts to clean it up. 

Taehyung quickly finished his Cereal, Then he turned a pale white.

"Tae, you look like crap. You feeling OK?"  Jin asks.

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