~Chapter Sixteen~

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I hope his pants split down the center one day when he does that 🌚🌚🌚
WaRnInG ⚠️ GeT yOuR hOlY wAtEr.

Manager Sejin walked into our dressing room, a little bewildered at the sight of Taehyung and I snuggling, Yoongi in the ground still asleep with a donut laying beside him and the rest of the members on their phones.

"Uh...." he started. It's the first time he's seen us since we got here and this is how he sees us. I started laughing so hard at the thought that I rolled off of Taehyung's lap and onto the floor.

"OW FUCK!"  I yelled.


"That's a bad word Kook." Jin states the obvious.

"I know. But if Yoongi can yell it so can I," I snapped back, really I regretted what I said but I wanted to see where this would go. I ignored the look Sejin gave me and continued.

"No you can't, your supposed to be the innocent one." Yoongi snorts, making everyone look his way because Satan himself just woke up.

"Does Kookie need to be punished?" I
Hear Taehyung's deep voice looming over me, next thing I knew he was sitting on top of my legs leaning over me.

"Uh..." Jin says.

"What the actual fu-" Yoongi goes to say  but is stopped by Jin slapping his hand over top of his mouth. Manager Sejin opens his mouth to object but is silenced by my piercing scream.

"TAEHYUNG!" I laugh as his tickles me down my torso. "STOP!" I roll over but he remains on my legs, instead tickling me down my side.

I was trying  to push his hands away but he would move just in time. The members were on the ground wheezing at the sounds coming out of my mouth while trying to plead. Manager Sejin looked confused at the scene but was smiling to.

"Alright that's enough," Sejin puts a hand in Taehyung's shoulder, Taehyung got off of me and I breathed heavily. Taehyung chuckled down at me. The nerve.

I regain myself and move up to the sofa, follows by Taehyung, Jimin and Jin. The others sat on the ground.

"OK I don't want to know what any of that was before, so let's just get Into business." Sejin sent a hand through his, for some reason, sweaty hair.

"So as you know your performing two songs, mic drop and DNA." We All nodded.

"That's all I had to say," Sejin snorted, making my Hyung laugh at him. "I'm going back out to talk with a nice man I met, his name is Hakishi." Our manager walked out and we all just laughed on how awkward we must have looked when he walked in.

We all looked at our phones and realized it was 7:30. We stayed backstage until 7:45, then we head behind the stage.

Backstage was cramped with staff and other singers also getting ready. By now we were all in our outfits. It was 7:55 when the people started cheering as the speaker started.

"—AND NOW BTS!" The announcer suddenly snapped, making me jump out of my ease. We got on the lift and slowly lifted up into the stage. Armies started screaming hysterically, and I heard a few fanboys amongst those high screams. It was no secret we loved fanboys.

When the crowd calmed down we started singing and dancing to our song DNA. It was my whistling part when girls hands desperately flew onto the stage. I leaned down and grabbed a few before continuing my way back down to the group, who already started doing the introduction footwork.

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