Chapter 13 Angelo Apollo

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Chapter 13 Angelo Apollo

Being in the Mafia is tough.

Being the Don also known as the god father is even tougher.

You have enemies from every end. it's also why I keep a down low about who I really am. People know me as the billionaire who owns chains of restaurants, casinos, hotels, few companies around the world, real estates and few islands.

I'm the half Italian and half Greek Tycoons son who's inherited everything. Who has girls wishing to be my wife, men wishing to be like me and some despise me, cops wanting to take me down trying to find something dirty about me and news reporters following me just to have something to talk about.

In people's eyes, I'm a spoiled brat that has had everything handed to him with a silver spoon. Little do they know it's far from that. My twin and I have worked hard to get where we are. We've got scars to prove what we've gone through, to show that we aren't weak and the sons of the toughest Don. To show the underground world that we aren't weak, to show them we have turned out way worse then our father, grandfather and our previous grandfathers. To show them that we have been around for years and still strong, unlike most Mafia Dons that who have disappeared from earth with their offsprings not wanting to continue the family business.

To the outside world everybody knows me by my real name that's on paper:

Angelo Apollo

To the underworld they know me as my actual name:

Angelo Lorenzo De Lombardo

It's hard living two life's. All I have to do is suck it up and act like the spoilt brat that the outside world thinks of me and act like the real me in the underworld. Im the ruthless Don, who doesn't care about anything and doesn't think twice before shooting you.

My true self.

A Mafia leader.

Talking about my past is always a situation I avoid. It's also why I wear suits in the outside world, just to hide the scars so they don't get any ideas that i am in fact in the Mafia. The faint scar that is starting from my eyebrow and stops just below my check bone is a scar I hate the most. Everybody who knows me from the outside world thinks it's a scar that I got from the suppose car accident I got in when I was drunk driving.

One thing you should know about me is that I hate drunk driving. From the drunk driver that night who took away someone's life that was close to my heart 15 years ago. It ripped a part of me that hurt the most. At the age of 10, I never thought I would lose someone close to me that meant everything and would rip my heart out.

My heart.

The heart that I don't have anymore. What left me that night and what made me a heartless beast.

Looking up at the sky, they are better up there.

In heaven.

If she see's me how I've changed the past 15 years she would be disappointed at me.

Wiping away the tear that made its way to my eyes with my thumb. I stand up And walk back inside the house to my office avoiding my brother who's in the lounge sitting down on his phone.

The Mafia boss crying! I may have no heart but when I think of that dear person who was close to me, I shed a tear. It doesn't hurt to show emotions once in awhile when alone.

Mafiosi have this look that we don't care about anything. It's true! But when it comes to family it's a different story. Everybody in the Mafia will die for family. We will die for each other. The respect that we have is unbelievable. Once in the Mafia you will get respected, along with the family you already have at home.

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