Chapter 31 Angelo Apollo

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Chapter 31

Angelo Apollo

I stare at my angel laughing with my mother. We have been in a relationship for nine months and all I want to do is bend on one knee asking her to be wife.

My whole family have fallen in love with her, especially my mother! She keeps on bugging me to bring Miracle to her place so they can cook and talk.

Two months ago I asked her if she would love to move in with me and I freaked out I saw her facial expression. I should have thought way more before asking her that. We hadn't been in a long relationship and she might not feel comfortable.

However, she got me in surprise when she said 'yes' because her facial expression said something else.

A few days later from that day she moved in with Danny. I was beyond happy because I can finally have a family I always wanted even though I'm in trouble when Danny is staring me down when I kiss my angel on the cheek.

However, he makes me promise every night to love and care for his Aunty who raised him. And I promise him that I will love and care for his Aunty until my time.

I also promise him that I will love him like my own son and care for him like my own.

I respected her decision in sleeping in different rooms and we had a personal talk between couples that we won't do anything.

But that decision sleeping in different rooms has been thrown out the window ages ago and the decision in not doing anything is still intact.

I don't know what changed her mind when she decided to come to my room late at night and sat next to me on my bed staring at me. I didn't even realise she had been holding my hand.

When I woke up sweating I saw her staring at me with concern and I knew she has faced me with the nightmares I have every night since I first killed.

I apologised non-stop and made her think if she really wants to be with me.

I won't forget the way she looked me in the eyes, grabbed my cheeks and kissed me. Once we stopped kissing she looked at me again and said.

"We all have nightmares. Some don't have them as often and with some, they have them often and even every night."

What I can say is. Since she slept beside me, I haven't had any nightmares and I can finally have the perfect sleep I haven't had for a very long time. Knowing that she is next to me, I can also protect her with my whole being.

What kills me the most is seeing her wake up crying some nights. I don't make her talk about it because I know she doesn't, but one night she explained to me that she sees Dean's face.

As for Dean. He's still alive but dying slowly. His definitely feeling that experience that I've always wanted him to feel.

No one has bothered to look for him when Dante had gotten him from the hospital. Not the police and definitely not his family. I'm not sure if they have realised his gone, which would be ridiculous as he is a mafia boss!

"You choose well."

I look beside me and see Alessandro sitting down with two beers in hand. He hands me a beer and he takes a sip.

"I didn't choose her..." I say.

Alessandro looks at me like I have two heads. "Please...Angelo...don't tell me you're using her!"

I look at him shocked. "Wha....what! No no no no. I'm not using her! What I mean is that she has been sent to me."

His mouth forms an O shape. "I was gonna say! If you to not. I was going to smash you. That girl in front of us looks like a girl that wants a loyal guy who will make a brighter world for her, a friend that she could talk to about her day or troubles and a family one day. Not a guy who will use her and then throw away like an old towel."

As I agree with him, I look at my Angel. "I want to give all that and beyond that as well." I turn to him.

"Alessandro, do you remember when I was younger and would come in your room in the middle of the night?" I ask him and wait for a response back.

He laughs. "Yes, I do! I miss those days."

I smile. "Me too... Do you remember when I would tell you I want a family of my own?"

He nods his head smiling.

"I'm craving to have that family I dreamt of from a young age and then disappeared in my teenage years. Since I started to get to know Miracle way more all I can think of is to have a child with her."

"I know that it sounds girly and all to say because I'm a Don, but I don't care."

He shakes his head and smiles. "Doesn't sound girly at all and I'd Nonna was alive today she would be jumping in joy."

I look down sadly when he mentioned my grandmother. However, he is right.

As I still look down at my hands holding the beer, I speak up. "Nonna didn't want me to be the Don of our Mafia. She didn't want any of us to be part of it in any way whatsoever."

He takes a sharp breath before he speaks up. "The other day the hospital needed me to deliver a baby because they were short staffed."

I look up at him. "Why are you telling me this?" I ask confused.

"...I'm telling you this because the baby's father was the man that killed Nonna fifteen years ago."

I feel my heart beat stop for a second before it starts beating again.

I never met the man that took someone that meant everything to me, my Nonna fifteen years ago. I don't want to meet him because I know I won't be able to control my self when I face him and now that he has a newborn I don't want to do that to a kid who will grow up without a father.

Even though the child is a baby it will grow up with a hole in their heart that will never get filled. It will get filled one day but it will always be opened when you think about that certain person.

"D-do you want his name," Alessandro asks.

I shake my head. "I don't want to know his name or know he looks like."

"I knew you were going to say that!"

Turning away from him I look at my angel staring at me with a smile. I automatically smile and stand up leaving Alessandro sitting down.

I walk towards her and twirl her around before kissing her on the lips.

She pulls away and her cheeks turn red. "Not here, Angelo. Your mum is a few meters away and staring."

I laugh at her. "Don't mind my mum. She has wished to see her son's to have a girl on their arm and to kiss them as I did to you now! Trust me she is squealing from the inside."

She turns around shyly and I laugh again because of her innocent self that I have grown to love very much.

"I love your family...and most importantly I love you!" She says smiling.

I move her hair away from her ear and whisper. "Well...I can the same."

I bite her ear and she squeals. She covers her mouth with her hand and hits me on my arm.

"Don't you dare do that again in front of your mother." She says in a playful tone. "She's looking."

"I certainly don't care who's looking. I can't resist you. You're my drug." I tell her and from afar, I hear Dante cheering us on.

"I can't wait to become an uncle!" Dante screams and Miracle buries her head on my chest.

"Me too," Alessandro screams.

"Me three" Jess screams after Alessandro.

We all turn towards her with confusions.

"You want to be an uncle." Dante falls to the ground laughing.

Jess's face turns red in embarrassment before she corrects herself. "I mean Aunty."

Not Edited.

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