Chapter 3 Miracle Lane

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Chapter 3

Miracle Lane

You know those times when your in bed about to sleep and close your eyes for a few minutes, but you get this dream that you're falling and you wake up straight away. It just feels like your committing suicide or someone pushed you?

Or when something is chasing you, but for some reason you can't run so fast. It's like your legs just give up on you. No matter how much you run fast, you just can't. When you look behind you see maybe big black dog with sharp teeth chasing you.

Or that dream when you're in the car driving to somewhere and when you brake in a red light or something comes in front of the car, and for reason your brakes just don't work how much you push it down for the car to stop, but it just doesn't. And you panic not knowing what to do.

Why do we even have these dreams for? Is our dream trying to tell us something? Is it telling us that our life is not controlled, stable or organised? Dreams tell us something, however we don't even know it sometimes.

What about when you have Deja Vu. It feels like that you have been in this place or spot, but you just can't remember. You might be standing or sitting there for a few minutes trying to think when this has happened in your life before. My last Deja Vu with colour would been when the accident happened. When the accident happened the seen in front of me just flashed through my eyes and I just knew what was going to happen. Now, I wake up with Deja Vu everyday and all day long. I see nothing anymore, only darkness.

"Aunty, you awake?" I hear Danny whisper.

"Yes, I am."

"Aunty, I can't take that image away from my head from last week." He says frightened.

I wish I can just take that image away from his head. I hate knowing that he has dreams at night that he wakes up screaming. I hear him every night. I can't even walk up the stairs to his room and hug him. I feel hopeless. I can't do nothing to help my nephew.

"Danny, I want you to sleep with me from now on. And if you don't want to sleep in my bed anymore with me you can go back to your room." I tell him in a motherly voice.

I feel arms wrap around my neck and a kiss on my check. "Thank you, Aunty. I love you."

I feel Danny's body with my hands and hug him back. "I love you too."


"Yes, Aunty." He says in a cheeky tone. He knows what I'm going to say. This boy knows too much about me.

"Are you dressed?" I say in a stern voice.

"Aunty, why would you say that? You know it's time for bed." He says.

"Is it now! Interesting!" I say amused.

"Yes, Aunty! It is!" He exclaimed.

"I guess I should go back to sleep and you should get ready for school." I chuckle.

"Why would I go to school at night? When I can just sleep with you!" 

He gets so cheeky when it comes to school. Try's to get his way so he can stay home.

"Danny!" I start. "You better go to school. You don't want to be late like last week and get detention. Do we now!" I finish.

"Aunty, guess what!"

"What?" I say excited.

"I'm already dressed. Now, we can talk until someone drops me of to school." He exclaimed.

"Really?" I say shocked not believing him at all.

"Yep." He say popping the 'p'.

"Aunty, c-can I t-tell y-you something?" He says shuttering.

"You may."

"How does it feel seeing nothing?" He asks holding my hand.

"How it feels! You don't feel nothing at all. When you open your eyes you only see black nothing else. I see nothing not even I little movement going past me. See, you might be sitting in front of me right now and I don't see you. I don't even know if I look good when I go walking with you." I chuckle in the last part.

He laughs at my comment. "Aunty, you're pretty and beautiful don't let anybody tell you you're ugly because that's a lie." He says and I feel him come towards my ear.

"You know who is ugly?" He whispers.


"The boggy man." He says and laughs.

I laugh, "come here and give me a hug." I tell him and I feel two arms wrap around me.

"C'mon you brat." We both hear Diana scream out.

"Danny, don't listen to her, okay. You're not a brat." I tell him.

"Okay, Aunty. See you later. I love you." He kisses my check and I hear his foot steps walking out my room.

"I love you too." I whisper.

It's been an hour that Danny has gone to school. I've been hearing sisters, brothers, cousins, girlfriends, boyfriends, best-friends coming in the house, talk and laugh about stuff that has happened in the weekends. I hate it how you live in a mansion and you have parents that don't care who comes in, and out of the house.

The thing is that from cousins, aunts, uncles, boyfriends, girlfriends, best-friends and from one night stands live in this house. And the funny thing is that the girlfriends, boyfriends, best-friends and one night stands don't even know I exist in this house. I know them by their voice, but they don't know me.

I r-

I stop moving and I hear a Big Bang, and yelling.

"Why are you here, huh?" I hear my sister Paige yell.

What's happening now?

"Just let me see her." I guy yells in anger.

"No! Why would you want to see her for?" Paige yells back, but something in her voice says differently. It sounds like she's jealous.

"I want to fucken see her. Do you fucken understand or what!" Who the hell is this guy. I've never heard this voice before.

His maybe one of Diana's Ex's for sure.

"You wouldn't." I hear Paige say in fear. What is happening?

"I would. This small thing can end your life. Do you want that?" He says in a deadly tone.

What is happening?

I try look around the bed with my hand for my cane. I feel something, however I hear it fall down on the floor.

That's got to be my cane!

I hear big heavy footsteps walk towards my room door. They stop in front of my room door I'm guessing because I can hear heavily breathing. I hear the hinge of my door squeak open.

"Miracle." The voice who was yelling before says in a thoughtful gently voice. Not like a few minutes ago.

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