Chapter 2 Angelo Apollo

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Angelo Apollo

"So do you want to go upstairs and finish this there." The girl all over me said seductively.

What does she think I'm dumb and going to fall for the trap. Sometimes, I don't get other mafia bosses. They get girls to trick me to sleep with them so they can kill me.

I'm too smart for them.

"I think I've had enough sex for today." I simply say.

"One more can't hurt." Touching my neck and playing with my tie. This whore is getting really annoying.

I see my second hand man, also known as my best friend Michael walking my way. "Boss, we need to talk." He says professional.

I sit up from the chair and the shank falls down with a bang, and screams in pain. The whore deserves it anyway. Trying to get me sleep with her so they can kill me.

I nod my head. "Let's go." I demanded, walking away upstairs to my office.

I nod to my guards and they open my door. Michael and I walk inside him sitting in front of my desk and I behind.

I look at him. "What is it." I grunted.

"Shootings!" He says.

"Shootings?" I repeated. "Who's involved in this so called shootings?." I say, resting my back in the chair and ready to hear this.

"Dean Gelato."

I nod my head, "Ah huh."

"What has this got to do with my mafia and I?" I asked him.

" know how we have been investigating who has been stealing from us."

I nod my head. "Yes."

"The people are Dean Gelato men." He says, I slam my hands on the table.

"I want you to get our men to get ready because a war is going to start." I yell furiously. Not caring at all about the shootings.

Michael stands up. "Yes boss. I'm on it." And walks out the door.

I know a lot about Dean Gelato. He steals from other mafias and gets away. This isn't his first time stealing from us. But this time no one is stoping me from killing him. Not even my father. I don't care his father is friends with my father. His nothing like his father, his father never did this when he was running the mafia, but once he handed the title to Dean because he was getting old to run the mafia he stepped down and gave it to his son.

He has done the biggest mistake giving it to his youngest son. I bet one of his daughter would of done a better job than Dean. He should of given it to the eldest son, Dale. Who has been training from a young age so his ready to take the title.

"Boss, they're ready and the vans. Guns and bombs are ready loaded in the vans." Michael comes in my office informing me.

I nod my head, "I'll be outside in a few." I say.

I get up from the chair and get my customised gun with the mafia logo and my name engraved on it, in the safe in my office behind the book shelfs where every document that has been completed held.

I get bullet pallets, the gun and tuck them in my suit pants.

Dean Gelato you should've think before you steal from my mafia and I.

"Jim, Rich, Alec and AJ." I yell and wait for them to come in front of me.

"Yes boss," They all say at once. Hands behind their backs heads up high, how I learnt them to stay. Showing people they are tough and for no one to mess with them.

"I want you four." I point to each one of them individually. "....To be in charge of people outside of the club and make sure your eyes are open so that if any of Gelato's men escape you shot them." I demanded them to do.

These four will do a good job. They are my best shooters apart from me.

"Yes boss." They all say before leaving to get the guns ready.

"Angelo!" I turn around and see Michael. "Every men is ready." He informs.

I nod my head. "Let's get into this club, up to his office and get this over and done with." I ordered.

We both walk together side to side inside the club and the guards in front stop us.

I give them a cold hard glare and they saw who I was, and let us go inside with a nod respecting who we are.

How stupid can his guards get.

Neon lights, loud music, people grinding on each other, bad sweat smell, smoke everywhere and smelling like joints.

Fights happening in the other side where people are dancing.

Is this even a club. It looks like a club, underground fighting and a hide out place where teenagers smoke, and get high.

"What is this disgusting place." I hear Michael yell through the loud music.

I look around and spot the bar where his office is located at the back, up the stairs. I straighten my posture and walk towards the bar opening the door and getting inside. The bartenders look at me afraid, but don't do nothing and continuing doing there magic tricks of shaking the margaritas for the girls waiting at the bar.

The girls look at Michael and I with lust in their eyes. We get it that we are hot, however Michael and I don't even pay attention. We have business to finish.

We walk straight and see a flight of stairs that will lead us to his office. I see a red Wooden door with his name 'Dean Gelato' on it.

I twist the handle open and walk inside the room like I own this place. I see Dean behind his desk sitting down with a girl on his lap sucking his neck and him squeezing her ass.

This girl has no ass!

I clear my throat and Michael coughs to get his attention.

He looks up. "Angelo, my man." He said narcissistic and Michael snorts in disgust. The girl turns around and looks at me in the eye then the ground straight away.

I love having this power!

"Dean." I say in a stern voice. I walk closer to his desk and take a seat.

"What can I do for you?" He says in trepidation.

"You know." I say. "Just getting business finished. That's all." I replied nonchalantly.

I look at him and his face turns pale. He knows what I'm talking about.

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