Chapter 25 Angelo Apollo

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Chapter 25

Angelo Apollo

Lying down and closing my eyes for awhile is soo peaceful and yet relaxing. However, it gets cut of very shortly by a bang.

"Mate, I'm telling ya! This chick was hot!" Someone starts talking way to loud.

Opening one of my eye looking at my cousin who let himself in my house talking loudly about some chick.

"Ohh, man. I tapped that hard." He let's out.

Raising my eyebrow at him and he looks at me with his thumbs up.

Clenching my teeth together he backs up and hangs up the phone. "H-hello."

"What are you doing here?" I ask him and sit up looking at him with a raised eyebrow and jaws clenched tightly. 

"I need a place to crash." He replies and fiddles with his hands.

Annoyed, I look away and back at him. "Then go home and crash."

He bits his lip a habit his had since young when he gets in trouble. "Well..." He trials off.

"Well!" I say.

"Well...the thing is...I kind of...not kind of but I brought a girl home and banged her."

I start bursting out of laughing. "That is why!"

"No. That's just not it. My grandmother was home and heard everything and she had the guts to tell the girl if I was good and the girl said she had better!"

I continue laughing and feel my ribs starting to hurt. "Haha, I think it's time for you to go get your own place. You're a lawyer for God sack! Stop using a lot of 'and'. Also, can afford one of your own home instead of living with your parents."

"Stop making fun of me Angelo. You know why I don't want to live myself." He says looking down with a sad look.

"I know why because your scared of ghosts." I laugh.

Steven Steven Steven the twenty-eight year old who still lives with his parents and has this fear of moving out because he may move in to a haunted place.

I'm definitely related to a old baby! If that makes sense.

Next Day

"Thank you Angelo for having us here today to show you our project."

I look at the high school student with a smile on my face.

"You're very welcome. Just remember I will be waiting for you two when you finish university." I say to the young men standing in front of me and stick out my hand to the blond boy, and then to the brunette.

The young men both smile and look down at their school uniform.

Twice a year four students get picked from public schools to come to my company and show their projects that they have designed to show and present to me. They are guaranteed to get a job once they finish university if they would like to work in my company.

It's something I've done since the company had been handed to me. I pay for their university and materials. It's something I also love doing because a lot of student don't get that opportunity to go to university to study.

I may have had everything handed to me such as studying but they haven't.

It's good to return.

I smile at the young men while they walk out my office and take a seat on my office chair.

I snap out of the smiling and look at my phone that has ten missed calls from a friend from the Mafia.

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