Chapter 29 Angelo Apollo

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Chapter 29

Angelo Apollo.

"I know you!" She says again. "You were that guy that nearly killed my boyfriend."

I look at Miracle, and she looks at her sister with disgust covering Danny's ears. "Leave."

"Who do you think you are? Huh." She yells at Miracle.

Trying to hold the rage I'm feeling, I look away. I don't hurt women and I don't hurt anybody in front of kids.

"I'm Miracle Lane and you heard me before. LEAVE!" She spits out and I smile.

She's got it in her. She has the fire.

"Why is he here?" She points at me and looks at Miracle.

"He's my boyfriend."

I turn around and look at her shocked.

Her sister starts laughing and the shock turns into anger.

"Why would a guy like him." She points at me. "Go for someone like you? Look at you." She laughs.

I stand up and Miracle pushes me back. "She's not worth it."

"Just leave. Why are you here, anyway?" Miracle says.

"I'm here because I'm taking my son."

"What!... No, you aren't." Miracle yells and stands in front of her. I walk and stay behind her, but also give her distance. I don't trust her sister at all.

"You aren't taking him anywhere. Where were you when he was a baby? Huh! Where were you when he got sick? Where were you when your son needed you the most? Huh! I know! You were out and enjoying your life while you had a child who needed a motherly figure in his life." She shouts and I once again smile.

She's got guts.

"I may have shut up my whole life and let people walk over me, but now! Now, I'm changed for the better. I speak my mind and because I speak my mind, you aren't taking my nephew. You don't deserve him. You don't even care about him. You will wreck the boy and that is not happening on my watch. Do you understand." My angel continues.

I look at her sisters face turning all red in embarrassment. "Fine! I won't take him. I just wanted him for the money he has on his name. Nothing else. However, I don't need him. I'll just seduce his father and marry him, then steal all his money. Simple as that." Her sister laughs and walks out of the room.

My angel falls to the ground and tears streaming down her beautiful face.

I hug her and rest her head on my chest.

"I'm sorry you had to see this." She sobs.

"Don't apologise. You don't need to!" I say.

"She just gets to me. All her life everything has been about money. I'm not surprised that Danny's father is rich. Heck, he may be older than her by ten years. God only knows. However, he was the one that tried saving me." She begins to vent, which I don't mind at all.

Once in a while, we all need to vent and take the thing we hold in our chest out.

"All her life it's been about her. Someone gets a compliment, she gets up and says something just to put that person down. I hate to say it, but she made me be the person I was and sometimes still am. She had made me go through depression and nearly made me kill myself. I'm so lucky Charlie found me because if he didn't, I would've been six feet down the ground."

"Do you know Danny's father?" I interrupt.

She nods her head. "I know his name. It's Dale."

"His name is Dale and he was raped by my sister. He was raped just like me. He was raped by her... I...I was raped by a guy named Dean." She says and breaks down.

I try to control my adrenaline but fail.

"I need to go. I need to finish business." I tell her and get up.

I leave her on the floor and run to my car.

I'm ending him. I'm fucking ending him. I had my suspicions that he had something with the rape and now I have my answer that he did.

He won't even step foot in jail! He will be long gone by then.

And, I know where to find him.

The hospital.

I freeze and look at the house.

What am I doing? Miracle needs me!

I open my glove box and grab my burner phone making a few calls.

Dean, you have no clue what is coming your way! I'm ending you once and for all.

I get out of the car and run back to the house where I should be with my angel.

Dean can wait for now.

He can beg to be let loose down at the chamber where he will get tortured till death.

He, after all, deserves to get tortured like his tortured girls and children.


Hey guys!
How are you all doing? Hope you all doing well!

I have some good news! Don't know if you guys remember, but I started a werewolf book! Bad news is that I didn't get to finish it because I didn't see it go to places when I was writing it.

The other good news is that I started a new one! You might be wondering why isn't it been uploaded on here, but it is. It's just on a different account that I have strictly for werewolf/vampire/fantasy stories that I'm hoping to continuing to write and upload on that account.

If you guys would love to check it out, it's on this account -> sunshine_dust
and if you do please leave a comment there on what you think. Book name is 'First War' Also, don't forget to leave a vote! 😊

Thank you,

Love Lydia.

Hope you all have a lovely day/night! ❤️❤️

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