Chapter 12 Miracle Lane / Jason Mercury

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Chapter 12

Miracle Lane

I always have a feeling that I'm going to die young. Since from my younger days I feel like I'm going to find something out and find out that I might have 1 year to live. Since a young age I've gone through heaps of stuff from depression to anxiety, finding out I may not have kids at the age of 16, 3 broken ribs along with a wrist and foot from getting pushed down a flight of stairs at school by my sisters, which resulted 2 surgeries for my wrist and foot to get screws and plates inserted in my bones so they can join back together and get a better result in healing.

Overall, I've gone through so much at a young age. I know there is way worse people out there that struggle the most then I do, but we need to keep our head held up high and embrace for the good.

At the age of 5 I saw my Aunty get married. From that day I wanted to have a wedding just like hers. Get married to my soul mate and have kids, to live a happily life. Little did I know that imagination would be thrown out the window at the age of 10. Seeing how my Aunty went through when she found out that her husband of 5 years had been cheating on her for 3 years behind her back with the neighbour who was married with children. That took a 360 degree turn and changed my aunts life forever.  They had a 18 month old baby boy and another along the way, that she nearly lost and was born prematurely.

I haven't seen my Aunty for years. I don't know where she has gone after the divorce and winning full custody of the kids because her ex-husband wasn't fit enough because he didn't have a job at that time to support his children, while my Aunty was pregnant and still working raising her child and her husband. Her ex was very immature for his age that my Aunty had to look after him and raise him.

However, I do hope she has found someone that she loves and lives a life to the fullest with him. She truly deserves it.

"Hey Miracle, are you ready for your appointment and are you excited?"

"Yes Maria, I can't wait to find out if I could see again!" I exclaimed excitedly, taking my mind off from my Aunty.

Today I have a appointment to find out if there is a chance I could see again. I got a call that I will be seeing a new doctor and he said to Maria I may have a chance to see again. Also saying about something didn't add up on my file and he wants to see me immediately.

I hear her Maria fiddling around inside my wardrobe, "What do you want to wear today?" She asks.

"I don't mind. I trust you to pick me out a outfit." I say truthfully.

Thank god for Maria! She is so sweet that she's been looking after me since I was in nappies. She's been there with me when I went through my tough times, taught me how to walk, talk, drive a car, cook and pretty much everything parents should teach you.

My parents were always after me when I was young but never taught me anything. Yes, they showed me the love parents give there children and spoil them with presents. It didn't last long though. Everything went downhill for me at the age 9.

My parents started traveling the world for work and exploring while they were at it. Leaving 11 children at home with maids looking after us. Both my parents come from rich families who were well off. Having companies, hotels and resorts around the world that their brothers and sisters, my uncles and aunts who also work at managing them.

"Is a black t-shirt and blue washed colour jeans with your black timberlands okay?" Maria asks.

"Yes that's perfect. Thank you, Maria!" I say.

"You need help putting them on?" Maria asks like always but the answer is always the same.

"It's okay I can do it myself. You do so much for me already." I answer truthfully.

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