Chapter 33 Angelo Apollo

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Chapter 33
Angelo Apollo

"Do you know what you can do!" Dante exclaims with excitement. He clicks his fingers and takes his phone out from his pocket.

Staring at him confused, I lean closer to him and to see him click on a recent search.

How to propose to your girlfriend

Why the heck would my brother search this for? I'm one hundred and one percent he has no girlfriend that I know of!

"Dante..." I say. "...why are you searching this?"

He looks up at me with a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean?!... I need to get ready!"

"Ready for what?" I ask.

"Isn't it obvious...I need to get ready so when you propose to Miracle and now that you are going to propose I'm ready to be there capturing the moment. I have done my research and the best ways to propose are..."

"Hold up" I stop him and raise my palm. "You have been researching?"

He sighs. "Of course I have. I don't want my brother to make a fool of himself."

I facepalm and stare at him. "How weren't you a girl is a question in question myself every single time I see you."

He laughs and places his hand on my shoulder. "Because God knew you will be needing me a lot. A brother with feminine traits is a blessing!"

I begin to laugh as to what he said.

I get my laugh under control before I speak up. "A blessing for sure! I need you to use that feminine side to come up with an idea with me on how I should propose to Miracle."

"Brother. I will go to the extreme with my feminine side just to help you!" He exclaims with a smile.

I smile. "That's good to know my brother."


The past couple of hours Dante and I have entered so many jewellery shops. I have seen over fifty rings for my angel, but none of them have caught my eye that will fit her personality.

I have lied to my angel that I'm needed at the office because we are having financial issues that need to get fixed as soon as possible because we could get bankrupt. I hate lying to her, but I don't want her to know the truth.

When I propose to her I want to surprise her.

"Angelo," Dante calls out my name. "Let's go to this shop." He points to a shop that looks very antique.

We walk into the shop and we are met by an old but not that old lady and man smiling brightly our way. The lady approaches us with the same smile and the man right behind her.

"How can we help gentlemen?" She asks and looks between Dante and me with the smile getting bigger than before.

I return the smile. "I'm planning to propose to my girlfriend and I'm trying to find that ring that will fit her personality!"

She smiles and gestures with her hand to follow her. We follow her and she shows us all sorts of rings.

I look at all the shape and sizes rings when the old man speaks up.

"What's her personality like?" He asks with a smile. "I have a ring that hasn't been sold for a very long time. However, the price is very high because the ring is very unique and all original. You will not find a ring like this as it's the only one in this world."

I smile and speak up. "She's the type where she will sacrifice herself for someone she doesn't know and always thinks about everyone before herself. She has a heart of gold."

"Oh and the price is not a matter," I say.

The old man smiles and nods his head.

I see him walk behind the counter and goes at the back of the store. After a few minutes he comes out the back and holding is a blue small case.

Dante and I walk closer to him and he flips open the case.

As I stare at the ring, I'm gobsmacked. The size and shape of the ring is perfect and not too big. However, what catches my eye is the rhinestone in the middle that is surrounded by small diamonds and a silver band. It's mixed with colours. Red, yellow and black with the black being in the middle, the red blending with the black and the yellow blending the red.

The colours just have that personality that matches my angel. It's completely different to a wedding ring, but I do know when she sees it, she will fall in love with it.

I look up at the old man. "I will take this one," I say.

He raises his eyebrow. "Child are you sure you can afford it?" He asks making sure.

I nod my head. "Money isn't an issue."

He nods his head and doesn't question again. He walks at the back of the store and brings out another small box that looks very usual and places the ring in it.

"This box is also made just for this ring." He explains and goes to the cash register.

He does his thing on the register before looking up at me. "You ready to hear the price?" He asks.

I nod my head and get out my savings card to pay.

"Ok...child. That will be eighty-thousand dollars."

My eyes widen and the old man speaks.

"I told you it's pricey. I know you just got a shock." He says.

I shake my head. "No. I'm in shock because I was expecting it to be way more than this. This is cheap!" I say pointing at the price.

Dante coughs to get the attention towards him. "Cheap! I don't make that much in a year being a cop and a ring is that much. However, I guess when you fall in love it makes you love lusted."

The man nods his head. "That definitely does happen." He says and looks at the old lady with loving eyes.

"I have been married to this beautiful lady for forty years and I feel love lusted as you put it till this day." He chuckles.

"I wish I can have what you have," Dante says to the man.

"You will." He says to Dante and turns to me. "So will you. I can see it in your eyes that the girl has changed you. I may not know you, but I can read you like a book. A trait all men in my family have had or has." He explains.

Not edited!

Hey guys,
Sorry for the very late update. I wanted to take some time off, but little did I know I will get very busy to the point at not updating at all. As everyone knows Christmas is very close and the new year. Everything is going crazy and busier each day. When you have that free time all you want to do is relax and take a nap.

However, not sure when I will update again but I will try to write the next chapter which will be the epilogue.

Sad to see this book finish, but it needs to be finished at one stage :(

And I apologise for so many errors in this chapter. Didn't have the time to go over and fix it.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I wish you all a blessing day ahead of you.


Also, I have gotten so many reads, votes and my book added to reading lists. So I want to say a big thank you to all and just wondering how did this book get so popular within a month? How did you stumble upon this book as well which I'm curious to know!

Thank you, again!!

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