Chapter 23 Angelo Apollo

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Chapter 23

Angelo Apollo

She's perfect!

That's what I chanted over and over again in my head while looking at her. She was just perfect in all areas. Not just her physical form but also personality wise. I couldn't careless about her left eye is lazy or that she has scars on her wrists and even that little tattoo on her index finger of a love heart that is wonky.

When she reached out for me to shake her hand I was shocked. I was going to give my hand before her, but I put it down because I thought she won't shake it and then I called myself an idiot. But when I saw her smile at me and when I shock her hand it felt like it was her and I in the room. I wonder how it would feel to hold her hand in public and show the world that she's mine.

She may not be mine at this moment but I will make her mine one day.

The way she held the baby in her arms made me feel like a love bird high on drugs. All I could think about was that she will be a great mother and it's her who I want to bare my children.

Our children.

Through out the dinner I saw her stare at me at the corner of my eye and I couldn't help but break out a huge smile. I knew she is feeling what I'm feeling as well. The way she was looking at me......I look at her as well.

However, what got me worried was that she shut everybody out at one stage and looked down at her dinner on the plate that only had been touched with her fork but not eaten. I knew something was on her mind and still is on her mind. It's just killing me to find out what it is.

I couldn't help it any longer and I touched her hand. When I did, I felt those electricity shocks. It made me feel this excitement in me that I've never experienced before. When she looked at me with a smile and answered me when I asked her if she's okay I was over the moon because I never thought she will answer me. 

From then onwards she had started eating and started talking with the little guy and her brother Charlie about a prank that Charlie pulled on the little guy. Her laugh was just beautiful and I could here it day and night without getting board of it. It's soft but yet elegant.

After dinner I helped out with the plates to take to the kitchen. The women in the kitchen pushed me away and made me sit next to my angel. And now that is where I am next to her and looking around the room with everybody else.

I've never been the shy type of person or to embarrass myself in front of people I don't know. When I'm with her it's like I attract the shyness and the embarrassment that I do to myself.

I get comfortable on the couch and look beside me to see her looking down at her phone with a frown. I open my mouth to say something and then shut it because it's not my business. However, deep down I want to know why she's frowning and has that sad look lingering in her beautiful brown eyes because it's killing me to see her like this.

She looks up from her phone and turns her head my way but before she raises her eyes I turn around and looked at the T.V which is playing Arthur. I pretend that I'm interested, but with the corner of my eyes I'm looking at her staring at my hand.

Few minutes go past and I jump unexpectedly when I feel soft fingers touch my scar on my hand.

I look down at her and see her looking up at me. "I-I'm sorry. I s-shouldn't have done that." She says and moves her hand away from me.

I feel my chest tighten when she removes her hand away from me and because she apologised.

I smile at her. "It's okay."

Her cheeks start turning red and she looks away. She starts playing with her phone and looks at it every few minutes like she's waiting for an important call or message from someone. And it's killing me to know why.

Could there be a guy in her life already?

Damn you Angelo! Always rushing into something and you might be wrecking a relationship.

I touch my forehead and feel my blood boil just thinking there may be someone in her life.

I look at my brother who is staring at me with a worrisome look and mouths to me if I'm okay.

I nod my head and he raises his eyebrow and looks towards Miracle, and then I. "Lies." He whispers and her brother Charlie looks at him confused as to why he whispered.

Dante shoots him a smile and points at his phone. "They say this car has never been in an accident but that's all lies." Dante says to Charlie saving himself in the process.

Charlie looks at the phone and after a few seconds he looks up at Dante. "Definitely been in an accident."

Zoning out from their talk I turn to look at my angel and see her gone. I feel my heart beating fast.

"Angelo, do you mind checking on Miracle? She's  in the garage just down the hall on the first door on the left." My angels father says.

My heart stops and I feel some sort of relief travel up from my toes to my head.

Nodding my head, I get up and walk to the hall knowing very well where the garage is. Opening the door, I'm meet with expensive cars and see my angel standing in front of a car with a car cover covering it.

I hear keys dangling and I see her holding a pair of keys in her hand and staring at them before she removes the car cover revealing a Toyota 86.

I observe her for a few minutes touching the car and before getting in. She starts trying to start up the car but the car doesn't start up at all.

I see her looking around in the car and I walk up to her.

"You need help?" I ask her and I see her jump.

"You startled me!" She says holding her chest.

"I'm sorry!"

She smiles, "don't be. I just get scared easily." She says and looks at the steering wheel of the car going all red in the face.

I smile at her rosy cheeks and bend down at her level.

I look at the interior of the car in awe and look back at her. "I believe your battery is flat."

"I believe so to! This car hasn't been on for a very long time." She explains and I take a deep breath. "I haven't driven for a very long time as well."

"Do you need to somewhere?" I ask her.

She nods her head and I see her eyes start forming tears.

"If you want I can take you!" I say and she looks at me shocked. "What I mean is that.......because you know.....that you haven't driven for a very long time."

Damn you Angelo. You're making it obvious that you like her.

"You are the very first person that I've meet and trust." She mumbles and I feel my heart swell in joy. "I don't know why I said that....but please don't take it for granted."

"I won't!"


Not edited!

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