Edward's P.O.V
"Wow, seems like the baby shower went great," I say as I look through all the presents we got. We got a cute bassinet that I think will be great for whenever we want our baby girl to sleep in either of our rooms, which I would like it to be just our room, but no, it's two. That reminds me, I still have to build that damn crib in our living room. I look through all the other stuff we have while the rest clean up the mess left after the party. "Hey look, another animal outfit, as if our daughter already didn't have enough."
"Yeah..." I look at Bella. She's sitting on the couch and she's biting her lip nervously with her hands on her belly.
"What's wrong, Bella?" I ask and sit beside her.
"She's been acting weird all day," Renee walks out of the kitchen with a trash bag.
I look at her worriedly. "What's wrong? What are you feeling?"
She shakes her head. "I'm fine, but I just realized something very, very scary."
She looks at me wide-eyed. "Edward... my due date is in two weeks. Our baby is going to be born in fourteen days and I'm freaking the freak out!" She runs her hand through her hair. "I mean, I'm looking at all of this and it scares me just to realize how much she's going to need and what's gonna happen if I forgot something, what happens if she needs more, what's gonna happen if she if she-!"
I stop her with my hand. Her ranting was giving me a bit of an anxiety attack. "Bella, of course you do, you're just nervous. That's all. All first time mothers are."
Bella looks at it intently for a second and then nods. "Yeah... I guess. I'm fine..."
"See..." The look on her face gives her away. "You're not fine, are you?"
"No!" She cries and hides her head in my shoulder.
"Hey, hey, it's fine." I pull her back. She whimpers. "Bella, you're going to be a great mother. Don't worry. You'll make some mistakes, we all do. But we'll learn to be better."
She huffs and glares at me. "It's not the time to be wise, Edward. I'm freaking out! What-what if I'm one of those mothers that forgets her baby in the car-"
"Well, that'd be a huge surprise, you don't have a car," Emmett said from the kitchen.
I throw him a glare over my shoulder and smile when Rosalie slaps his head.
Bella rolls her eyes. "But-but what if she cries and I don't know if she wants to eat or needs changing or what if she cries and I can't hear her-"
"Bella, sweetie, take a breath." Renee walks over to her and runs her hand down her hair. "Deep breaths, honey. Deep breaths."
Bella inhales deeply and exhales. Inhales and exhales. I gently rub her almost full size belly that's beginning to be bigger than her and do the same exercise as her. It helps me as well. By the time she is done, our baby girl nudges her just beneath my hand. Bella sighs and takes her mother's hand, at that time my mother walks out of the kitchen.
"Mom, I'd really like for you to stay with me after the baby is born," she said. "Or Esme, someone who has delt with small delicate things that cries all the time."
"You're planning to ask Rosalie over as well?" I look at Emmett.
"Hey!" She yelled from the kitchen.
Both Moms laugh.
"Honey." My Mom runs her hand through Bella's hair. At this point, we all have our hands on Bella, reassuring her. "Honey, sweetie, you don't need us there. Understand that it's alright to be afraid, but you'll learn over time. You'll catch on so quickly, you'll know everything there is to know within the first week. Look, her room is almost ready, you're all stocked with clothes and baby diapers and little shoes, you got this. I had no clue what to do when I had Edward."

The Little Unexpected Things
FanfictionBella's life is about to take a major turn and not in an easy way. With eager friends and a clueless partner in crime, she must come up with a game plan with backup plans from A to Z. Her life will never be the same. How can she cope becoming a youn...