Edward's P.O.V
Ella is a crying mess when I arrive home. Bella is walking in circles around the living room with Ella in her arms, looking as exasperated as ever. My heart silently breaks and I mentally kick myself for taking so long to go to the store to get some diapers for Ella. As soon as she sees me, she snatches the bag from my grasp and rushes Ella to her changing her table. In less than a second Ella is changed and her crying starts turning into small whimpering. Once done, Bella let's out a deep breath that she must have been holding and drops her head.
"This shouldn't happen," she whispered. "How could we forget that she had no diapers?"
"It's normal. A mistake, honestly, but we have been really busy with Ella, Bella. Sometimes we don't have time for a trip to the drugstore."
Bella sighs. "I know... I guess it just breaks my heart seeing her cry like that." She lifts Ella from the table and presses her against her chest. "Ohhhh I just don't want my baby girl sad."
I chuckle and kiss the side of her head. "It's almost her bedtime. We should start getting her ready for bed. Do you want me to give her a bath?"
"How about we both do it?" Bella looks at me excitedly. Yup, that's what our lives have turned to. We get excited about anything that has to do with Ella.
Ella is a happy little doll when she's in her bath. We are lucky, she's been quite the easy baby but I'm knocking on wood, we never know until she goes into the terrible twos. Bella plays with her little feet, cleaning them in the process as I spread the soap on her little brown head. Her eyes are wide open and her little hands reach out to me as she looks at the scene around her. Her eyes are turning to a deeper shade of green, thank god. My brown haired angel with green eyes. The perfect combination of us both.
"Her appointment is tomorrow," Bella reminds me. I look at her confused. Appointment for what? "For her shots."
"Oh... does she really need them." Unlike Bella, I have a terrible fear of needles and the thought of one of them punching through my baby's delicate skill makes my own skin crawl. "I mean, she never goes out-"
"No, you're not doing this," Bella says, rising from her spot and grabs Ella's bunny towel. "She needs her shots, if she didn't, doctors wouldn't insist on it."
I raise my baby girl from the tub, that pisses her off. She starts with a little fussing, that turns into full out wailing. I look at Bella worriedly as she wraps our little princess in her bunny towel and walks out with no worry whatsoever, not even when Ella is crying at the top of her lungs. I watch shocked as she dries our little girl and changes her in her quite flower onesie. Even after she's in a fresh diaper and dressed, Ella is still crying.
"Is something wrong? Is something bothering her? Did you feed her? Maybe she has a rash." I take Ella from the table before Bella has a chance to pick her up and press her against my chest. "Maybe we should-"
"Edward, Edward, look here." Bella makes me look at her. "She's okay. She's just tired, okay? We're putting her in bed soon. She's fed and everything, nothing more. You can't freak out every time she cries."
I start swaying Ella back and forth in my arms, tapping her little butt as well. She likes that for some unknown reason. That ceases her crying a little.
"I don't want her to get her shots tomorrow." I pout and look down at my little girl. "They hurt her."
Bella rolls her eyes but I can see the humor in her expression. At least one of us has to be the strong willed one when it comes to Ella and I have no problem with Bella being the one.

The Little Unexpected Things
FanfictionBella's life is about to take a major turn and not in an easy way. With eager friends and a clueless partner in crime, she must come up with a game plan with backup plans from A to Z. Her life will never be the same. How can she cope becoming a youn...