Four Years Later...
Edward's P.O.V
Emmett glares at me the moment the door opens and then pushes me back into the hallway, slamming the door behind him. I give him a skeptical look as he opens his mouth, closes it again and groans. I cross my arms over my chest and wait for his rant.
"You know I love you guys, right? I was all yay they're having a baby blah blah blah." He doesn't wait for me to answer. "But that thing right in there is the spawn of pure evil."
"I know how you used to say Bella was carrying a little devil toward the end of her pregnancy because she was being a bitch and it was taking over. Well now I have a hypothesis."
"Yes." I lean back against the wall. We literally have this conversation every single time.
"That thing in there is not yours. I don't know what kind of ritual they did to Bella, Devil's Due style, but that thing in there is a demon! She has you fooled by all that cutness with her little pigtails and her chubby cheeks and all, but she is evil!"
I shake my head and place my hand on Emmett's shoulder. "Emmett... I'm going to see my daughter." I push past him and open the door to his apartment. Ella's head snaps up from her coloring book on the living room floor and her beautiful face lights up at the sight of me.
"Daddy!" She jumps to her feet and runs to me. I catch her midair and sit her on my hip.
"Hey, baby girl. Are you driving Uncle Emmett crazy again?" I kiss her cheek and smile at her. "Right on," I mouth to her and give her a high five.
"I saw that." Emmett walks past us and picks up Baby Liam from the floor. "You actually cared about my problems before, Edward. I wonder where my best friend is."
I laugh. Mostly because I know he is joking around that this whole rivalry he has with Ella is pure joke. Well, sometimes. Ella can be a little... Character sometimes.
"I'm Daddy's best friend," Ella says, playing with her pigtail.
Emmett glares at her. "I was here first." And he sticks his tongue out at Ella.
Ella sticks her out as well.
"Hey, don't teach that to my daughter." I push her tongue back inside and grab her bag from the couch. "Let's get you out of here before you each start pulling each other's pigtails."
Ella waves at her uncle and baby cousin as we walk out the door. She's a happy camper as we make our way to the car.
"Why do you like messing with Uncle Em so much?" I ask as I strap her to her car seat.
"'Cause Uncle Em is like a big bear, he is funny when he mad." Ella giggles and kicks her feet. "He looks like Mommy when you make her mad."
"Hey, I don't make Mommy mad. Mommy would be much happier if she didn't contradict me all the time." I poke her nose and she giggles. "Don't tell her I said that."
Ella drags her fingers across her lips and smiles. However, I've learned not to trust that little smirk she inherited from me because this girl is very mischievous. And from the moment we walk through the front door, she shouts, "Daddy said you shouldn't 'dict him!" at her mother.
Good thing she doesn't know how to say contradict.
Bella arcs an eyebrow and chuckles. "How was your play date with Liam?" She asks our daughter as I set her on her feet.
"Good. But Uncle Em was being a girl again." Ella casually walks past her mother and into the kitchen. "It's that time of month."
Bella gives me a look. "Does she even know what that means?"

The Little Unexpected Things
FanficBella's life is about to take a major turn and not in an easy way. With eager friends and a clueless partner in crime, she must come up with a game plan with backup plans from A to Z. Her life will never be the same. How can she cope becoming a youn...